US Govt: Burning Korans, Bad! Burning Bibles, Fine!
By Gina Miller
It is amazing, but not surprising, to watch our government’s reaction to last month’s Koran burning by Florida Pastor Terry Jones.
The indignant outrage expressed by everyone from Barack Obama on down only made me shake my head, because those same people made such a stupid big deal out of the burning of that stupid book, yet they think nothing of their own actions that effectively burn the Constitution of the United States of America.
What we think about Mr. Jones’ actions does not really matter, because in America, he has the right of free expression and free speech, as long as he is not breaking any laws in exercising those rights. The burning of books strikes me as a bit silly, but it’s plain that he was simply making a symbolic statement about the evil, backward nature of Islam, and in that part, I fully agree with him.
Do you remember a couple of years back when news came out of Afghanistan that the U.S. Military had burned a bunch of Bibles that were sent over there by an American church—Bibles that were printed in the two most common languages spoken in Afghanistan? Yes, our government burned Bibles, but of course they gave all these nice “justifications” for doing so.
As reported at the time, U.S. military officials did not want those Bibles to be distributed to the Afghan people, because the officials did not want to offend the locals or be perceived as trying to convert any Muslims away from their depraved ideology. The did not even want to ship the Bibles back to the church that bought and donated them for fear that the church would instead send them to another organization which would give them to the Afghan people.

Dove World Outreach
Center in Gainesville, Florida, September 2010,
church of Pastor Terry Jones (Source: Wikimedia
The military officials worried that if those Bibles hit the Afghan streets, it might endanger U.S. troops or civilians. Oh, you think? As if those Muslims actually need an excuse to commit violent acts against other people? Give me a break.
This week, David Wood and the Acts 17 Apologetics group have created a new video addressing this topic of the hypocrisy of the U.S. government when it comes to the burning of Korans and Bibles. You really must watch this video, which is posted on You Tube and is called, “Shariamerica: Islam, Obama and the Establishment Clause.”
I featured the Acts 17 group and the illegal attacks on their ministry in a February column titled, “Dearborn Should Wake up to Creeping Islamic Shariah Law.”
In this latest video, David Wood, addressing the camera, recounts Pastor Terry Jones’ recent burning of a Koran. David says he does not agree with burning books, but that’s the great thing about America—we can disagree without killing each other, because America’s history is founded on principles of liberty that include respect for others’ rights of free speech and expression.
He goes on to say that in the wake of the Koran burning and the subsequent murders Middle Eastern Muslims committed in protest, it’s very disturbing to see that some of our own government officials are looking for ways to curb our freedom of speech on the subject of Islam. He cites South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham who appeared on Face the Nation shortly after Pastor Jones’ Koran burning. Graham said,
“You know, I wish we could find some way to hold people accountable. Free speech is a great idea, but we’re in a war. During World War II, you had limits on what you could say if it would inspire the enemy.
Any time we can push back here in America against actions like this that put our troops at risk, we oughta do it.”
You know, somehow I don’t believe the American patriotism of World War II is in any way comparable to the worshipful treatment of our Islamic enemies by those in this wretched administration and their appointed leaders in the military. Back then, we boldly insulted the enemy, daring him to take us on, and we treated anti-American sentiment the way it ought to be treated—as the subversive garbage it is. Today, our government and military leaders bend themselves into contortions to not offend these Islamists, while the fraud in the White House denigrates our great nation every chance he gets. No, Senator Graham, this is not like World War II, not at all.
David goes on to declare that Islamic Shariah law has invaded America. One example of how this is so, is that our government and military officials are already demanding that Islam be given deferential treatment, even at the expense of the freedom of religion of Christians.
He plays three video clips of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and General David Petraeus all condemning Pastor Jones’ burning of the Koran. David points out that in his estimation, our government is violating the so-called Establishment Clause of the First Amendment which states,
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free expression thereof.”
While our government has not necessarily made any law respecting the establishment of a religion, as in declaring an “official” religion of the United States, David cites a Department of Defense memo of military guidelines for the handling of Korans by American military personnel stationed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Specifically from the memo, he quotes,
a. Clean gloves will be put on in full view of the detainees prior to handling.
b. Two hands will be used at all times when handling the Koran in manner signaling respect and reverence. Care should also be used so that the right hand is the primary one used to manipulate any part of the Koran due to the cultural association with the left hand. Handle the Koran as if it were a fragile piece of delicate art.”
Yes, you heard right. Our government is demanding that our troops kiss the degenerate ring of Islam when dealing with foreign national terrorist enemies of America so as not to offend their barbaric sensibilities. This is utterly insane! Can you imagine our government during World War II insisting that our troops treat foreign enemy prisoners of war with such kid gloves? It is unimaginable.
As for those ludicrous Defense Department Koran handling guidelines, what about the rights of Christian U.S. troops who recognize Islam for the hellish ideology it is, and who have no interest in granting such misguided respect to its perverse, so-called “holy” book? This whole deal is wrong on so many levels!
After reading the Koran handling guidelines, David said,
“According to U.S. government policy, you must handle the Koran with respect and reverence, as if it were a delicate piece of art. But, feel free to burn the Bible, because that’s just what you do with garbage. If you burn the Koran, the government will condemn your actions. If you burn the Bible—hey, it had to be done.
What’s this mean? It means that the U.S. government has given the Koran a privileged status over all other books. They say it’s wrong to burn religious texts, but their actions show they really only care about one religious text; which means, of course, that the government has violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. They’re giving a special position to the holy book of Islam.”
David goes on to point out verses from the Koran where Muslims are commanded to fight against non-Muslims. Muslims are declared to be superior to all people in the world, and that Allah will make Islam superior to all other religions. As David said, the leaders in the U.S. government are “giving Islam the special treatment it demands.”
Basically, our government is aggressively supporting an ideology that seeks to overthrow all religions and governments in the world that do not convert or submit to Islamic rule. If I didn’t know any better, which I don’t, I would think this administration is giving aid and comfort to our enemies. Ask Senator Graham what would have happened to people who gave aid and comfort to our enemies during World War II.
What would have happened to anyone who praised and affirmed a group of people whose goal is the destruction of the United States, our Constitution, and all of western civilization? In those days, such people would have been dealt with as German spies captured on American soil would have been dealt with. They certainly would not have been given the green light to pollute our nation with their poisonous mosques.
David Wood wraps up the video by saying that after fighting for our independence from Britain, vowing to keep the promises of our Constitution, battling ourselves to end slavery, marching for the rights of women, defeating the Nazis and quarantining communism,
“…America dies a quiet death under the knife of political correctness, leaving us with a strange, heterogeneous mixture of dwindling American greatness and Islamic supremacism.
It’s a brave, new world, my friends. Welcome to Shariamerica, where becoming a dhimmi is a citizen’s duty… unless, of course, we decide to fight the powers that be.”
That last line is delivered as a hip-hop song begins to play in the background, with a man chanting, “Fight the power. Fight the power. Fight the powers that be.”
Yes, we must fight to preserve our constitutional republic, to protect it from our enemies, both foreign and domestic, and to defeat the Islamists with their wicked agenda. To do that, we have to rid our government of the anti-Americans that have wormed their way into it, and replace them with patriots who love our country and will not be willing to bow to the hellish will of the Islamists and their false god, Allah. We have a heck of a long row to hoe to get there.
Gina Miller, a native of Texas, is a radio commentator and disc jockey. She also works with her husband installing and repairing residential irrigation systems and doing landscaping on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.