By Gina Miller

Post police take cover when a gunman fires shots at the Fort Hood Soldier Readiness Processing Center Nov. 5, 2009. (US Army photo)
While American patriots watch in drop-jawed horror at the criminal actions, endless lies, and gut-wrenching anti-Americanism of this current administration under Barack Obama (or whatever his name is), there is a man sitting in jail not getting a speedy trial, because he is being protected by Obama’s military. Not only is he not getting a speedy trial, but his case is grossly misclassified. I am talking about the enemy combatant Muslim, Nidal Hasan, who infiltrated the United States Army and waged a beastly jihad attack on unarmed soldiers and civilians at Fort Hood, Texas back in 2009, killing thirteen adults, a pre-born baby, and wounding dozens more.
And, WorldNetDaily’s Joseph Farah has a darned good question: why is Hasan still breathing?
In his column published Sunday evening, Mr. Farah wrote:
Are you one of those Americans who wonders what happened to the Islamist terrorist who massacred U.S. soldiers at Fort Hood more than three years ago?
… There hasn’t been much news on the case. The Big Media would obviously like Americans to forget about this case. The government would like you to forget about it, too. In fact, Attorney General Eric Holder declined to press terrorism charges against Hasan, inexplicably labeling the worst terrorist attack in America since 9/11 as a case of “workplace violence.”
As a result of this callous, politically motivated and criminally devious decision, the victims of Hasan’s shooting spree will not be entitled to the benefits of soldiers wounded or killed in the line of duty.
… Are you as confused as I am why this monster has not yet faced trial?
Are you as confused as I am why this mass-murdering enemy of America is still breathing?
Are you as confused as I am about why he’s being treated with kid gloves rather than speedy justice?

Nidal Malik Hasan (Photo credit: Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences)
Mr. Farah goes on to report that last week Hasan’s attorneys asked the judge to move the case away from Fort Hood, to make changes in the military jury pool, and to allow Hasan to plead guilty to lesser charges that do not carry the death penalty. I would say this is simply stunning, but of course we’re dealing with powerful, “politically correct” libnorance, so we mustn’t be surprised.
Mr. Farah also points out the disturbing dichotomy in the fact that while Hasan is being coddled and is still receiving his military pay and benefits, Hasan’s buddy in the Middle East, American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki, was murdered in Yemen without due process by an Obama drone strike. I guess that under this communist administration, American citizens are granted their rights according to the whim of Obama and his henchmen.
All this is bad enough, but it gets worse when we consider the fact that since Obama’s Department of Defense chose to mischaracterize Hasan’s enemy attack on our military as “workplace violence,” instead of the act of war by an enemy combatant that it was, the victims of the attack are getting the shaft.
The Center for Security Policy published a report about this on February 20th, titled, “Members of Congress Demand Obama Administration Classify Ft. Hood Attack as an ‘Act of Terrorism.’” It details the fact that since the Defense Department misclassified Hasan’s attack as “workplace violence,” the soldiers who were wounded are not entitled to the benefits they would have received if this had been correctly labeled as combat-related injuries.
In part, the article states:
In a report that aired on “World News with Diane Sawyer” and “Nightline,” former police sergeant Kimberly Munley, who helped stop the Ft. Hood shooting, said that President Obama broke the promise he made to her that the victims would be well taken care of.
“Betrayed is a good word,” said Munley, who sat next to First Lady Michelle Obama at the 2010 State of the Union address. “Not to the least little bit have the victims been taken care of … In fact, they’ve been neglected.”
There was no comment from the White House about Munley’s allegations.
… Despite extensive evidence that Hasan was in communication with al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki prior to the attack, the military has denied the victims a Purple Heart and is treating the incident as “workplace violence” instead of “combat related” or terrorism.
… Munley and dozens of other victims have now filed a lawsuit against the military alleging the “workplace violence” designation means the Fort Hood victims are receiving lower priority access to medical care as veterans, and a loss of financial benefits available to those who injuries are classified as “combat related.”
Some of the victims “had to find civilian doctors to get proper medical treatment” and the military has not assigned liaison officers to help them coordinate their recovery, said the group’s lawyer, Reed Rubinstein.
The report also notes that some members of Congress are now calling for the Obama administration to reclassify Hasan’s terrorist attack as a terrorist attack. It’s better late than never, but much more pressure needs to be brought to bear on this Islamist-loving administration that is clearly more in line with America’s enemies than America’s friends.
Nidal Hasan should never have left that murder scene alive, but since he did, he should be tried for treason, in addition to the killings. There is no question that he is guilty, with the numerous witnesses and the fact that he was stopped at the scene by police gunshots that left him paralyzed. Yes, he was stone-cold busted.
Near the end of his column,Joseph Farah states:
The rules are bent for Hasan, but not for his victims.
Staff Sgt. Shawn Manning was shot six times in the attack, yet he is denied the same benefits a soldier shot in a similar action overseas would receive, thanks to Holder’s designation of the massacre as a matter of “workplace violence.”
Fellow soldiers that day “were killed and wounded by … somebody who was there that day to kill soldiers, to prevent them from deploying,” Manning said. “And if that’s not an act of war, an act of terrorism, I don’t know what is.”
But it gets worse: Survivors and their family are forced to watch while Hasan continues to receive a paycheck and medical benefits from the military.
… Why is Hasan getting the benefit where there is no doubt?
That’s the way the wheels of justice roll under Barack Obama. Things are just a little unpredictable. One jihadi murders 13 and attempts to murder 45 American soldiers and is treated like a prince. Another jihadi American citizen who killed no one is ordered to be killed by Obama in a drone attack.
Go figure.