By Gina Miller

Sarah Palin (Photo credit: David Shankbone)
Yes, I know that FReepers and other jaded conservatives will quickly ask, “Who the heck cares what some young punk from the leftist Washington Post bird cage liner thinks about Sarah Palin?” And, of course, I know there are so many other vitally important stories assailing us every day, so much to address, besides what a little-known, boyish, nearly-fresh-out-of-Harvard liberalette thinks of former Alaska Governor and Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
However, as I read the Washington Post opinion column by Alexandra Petri, it really hit home how desperate our situation is with the younger generations here in the United States and how illustrative this girl’s writings are of the deep, leftist indoctrination going on in our schools.
The only reason I have even heard of Alexandra Petri is because our local paper carries her column occasionally. The few times I have read her writings, I cringed at her lockstep leftist perspective on the issues and her ignorant disdain for conservatives and those who seek to preserve our nation as founded. From what I have read, her main weapon is empty sarcasm. I say “empty,” because sarcasm without a foundation in truth is a dumb weapon of baseless insult, whether the user of it realizes this or not.
In the case of Petri’s column about Sarah Palin, Petri resorts to the use of empty sarcasm to blast Gov. Palin’s announcement that she is going to be releasing a book about the war on Christmas.
She opens her piece by insulting Gov. Palin:
I understand that at this point commenting on anything Sarah Palin does is like socking a punching bag that has been slowly deflating since 2008, but she has just announced that she is coming out with a Christmas book, and I couldn’t help myself. Well, more specifically, a book about the War on Christmas.
… Titled “A Happy Holiday IS a Merry Christmas,” it seems destined to go the same route as most books with CAPITAL LETTERS in their TITLES for EMPHASIS.
… Christmas books are like Christmas albums: They are not things you make and announce in March when your career is going anywhere good.
Petri goes on to illustrate her ignorance, either willful or not, about the commonplace reality of atheist attacks on Christmas symbols and displays in the “public square,” Christmas events in publics schools and the simple presence of Christmas in our nation as a celebration of the birth of Jesus. Perhaps Petri truly is unaware of the numerous threats and lawsuits brought by atheists who are determined to do away with any Christian display of Christmas in public. However, a quick Internet search of “atheist sues Christmas display,” or variations of that search, will more than give the clueless a clue.
But, no, Petri apparently does not care to acknowledge the very real war on Christmas—which is fundamentally a war against the God of creation and His followers—that has been raging for many years now in our nation and even longer in the rest of the world. Instead, she uses that empty sarcasm to mock the very idea:
The War on Christmas is like alien spacecraft and true love — it is one of those things that seems [sic] to be visible only to people who already believe in it. The rest of us are baffled. Who are these people who think there’s a war on Christmas and Christmas isn’t winning?
Yes, all these anti-Christian lawsuits brought by individuals and groups like the Freedom from Religion Foundation are just figments of our overactive imaginations, very much like UFO sightings. Sure thing, kiddo. This girl is simply employing the Left’s usual tactic of denying the reality of reality, in the same way they deny there is a homosexual agenda or a group of communist tools running our federal government and more than a few of the states. And, of course, they are ever mocking those who tell the truth, because that is their only weapon, since they cannot refute the truth with reasoned debate.
This is part of the HarperCollins press release about Gov. Palin’s book which helped “inspire” Petri’s petty column:
In the bestsellers, Going Rogue and America by Heart, Governor Sarah Palin revealed the strong Christian faith that has guided her life and family. Now, in A Happy Holiday IS a Merry Christmas, Palin defends one of the most sacred holidays of the Christian faith against the politically correct elite who have hijacked the season.
In her book, Palin defines the case for holding traditional Christmas dear to our hearts and for bringing back the freedom to express the Christian values of the season. Palin asserts the importance of preserving Jesus Christ in Christmas—whether in public displays, school concerts, pageants, and to each other—and laments the over-commercialization and homogenization of Christmas in today’s society. She will share personal memories and traditions from her own Christmases and illustrate the reasons why the celebration of Jesus Christ’s nativity is the centerpiece of her faith.
The name of Jesus does tend to send liberals into spasms of derision toward those who speak his name, and this is really what the Left’s inordinate hatred for Sarah Palin is all about. Gov. Palin claims the name of Jesus, and that offends the godless, Marxist left down to the core of its rotten soul. And, Alexandra Petri is no different than the rest of the cookie-cutter, junior Marxists our “fine” universities turn out today.
But, this is a deeper issue than the communist invasion of our society that has been underway for most of the last century. This is a testament to the truth of God’s Word. The Lord tells us that people who reject Him are subject to deep delusion, wherein they believe lies—huge lies. God literally turns them over to an ever-darkening mind and spirit, because they refuse to turn to Him for salvation and forgiveness of their sins, along with true knowledge and wisdom. These people believe themselves to be wise, when in truth, they are fools who are desperately bad off and unaware of their terrible state.
People like Alexandra Petri are pitiable, and the sad, scary thing is that our schools are turning out so many like her—kids who believe the lies of the Marxist Left, lies which lead to tyranny, although they do not understand this; they cannot see it testified repeatedly throughout history. And of course, the godlessness of Marxism (or socialism or communism, if you prefer) can lead those who cling to it to the ultimate self-imposed tyranny of eternal separation from God, and that’s the scariest thing of all.