NSA Intimidation Potential in Obama Eligibility Cases
By Gina Miller

Headquarters of the NSA at Fort Meade, Maryland.
By the time this is published, the Senate, doing the bidding of the Obama administration, may have treasonously voted to cede our national sovereignty to the globalist agenda of open borders and unchecked illegal immigration. We can no longer fool ourselves into thinking that we live in a representative republic. Our “representatives” in the Senate are turning a belligerently deaf ear to the outrage of the vast majority of American citizens who demand that they have no part in leaving our borders unsecured while granting blanket amnesty to illegal aliens who have crashed our borders, flaunted our laws, and in many cases, committed other crimes against the American people.
The will of the American people is meaningless to those in Washington. While there is some speculation that this terrible legislation will be stopped in the House, I’m not holding my breath. The evil schemes of those who are actively destroying the United States of America appear to be unstoppable, and they are unaffected by the laws of this country, the good of this country and all common sense. While none of what is happening under this current communist regime makes sense to those who seek America’s good, it makes perfect sense to the enemies who have overthrown our government and military. America is falling, just as they have planned.
Many people wonder how in the world this criminal regime under Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) can continue to get away with the most astonishing, flagrant violations of our laws and disregard for the limits on their power. I have long thought that it is fear that is keeping at bay those who would hold them accountable. After all, it is plainly apparent to those of us who have been studying the issue that whoever “Barack Obama” is, he is likely ineligible for the office of President, and has violated the law in seeking that position. Up until now, no court would touch any challenge to Obama’s eligibility, and I was convinced it was not based on any lack of merit in the cases, but instead, on fear—fear of the powerful machine that put this current administration in power.
Now, with all the news of the National Security Agency (NSA) and its excessive spying on the American people, as well as reports that it has backdoor access to our computers, I can easily see how simple it would be for the higher powers behind our criminal government to intimidate judges, politicians or anyone else who might hold the crooks in the Obama administration accountable. After all, according to a teaser report for Joseph Farah’s G-2 Bulletin, the NSA can remotely access your computer through a built-in driver on Microsoft operating systems from Windows 95 and beyond. With this access, the NSA can, among other things, load “stuff” onto your computer. I don’t have to tell you how deeply scary the prospects of that could be for, say, a federal judge who might be considering a case against Obama’s eligibility to be President. I can imagine a federal judge getting a private visit from a shadowy figure…
Regime Goon: “Judge, we believe it would be in your best interest to dismiss this case. Just rule that the plaintiffs have no standing.”
Federal Judge: “I can’t do that! It’s unethical at the very least, and I also have questions about Obama’s eligibility!”
Regime Goon: “Be that as it may, Judge, you will dismiss this case, or it will just so happen that the FBI is soon to ‘discover’ some very unsavory, very illegal images and videos on your personal computer that will put you away for life and shame your family for the rest of theirs.”
Federal Judge: “That’s outrageous! There are no illegal images or videos on my computer!”
Regime Goon: “That’s right, Judge, and there won’t be as long as you toss that case out.”
This kind of thing is what I have been certain has been happening to anyone who might dare to cross this devilish charlatan, Obama. Back during the ’08 campaign, many of us were demanding that his eligibility be determined, yet no one would touch the subject of Obama’s mysterious past. The fix was in even then.
However, we now have a handful of brave people who are standing up to this evil machine. At the request of his constituents, Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse have undertaken an official law enforcement investigation of Obama’s eligibility. They have unearthed damning evidence of Obama’s Selective Service registration forgery and birth certificate fraud, and they are going to be called as witnesses in a case challenging Obama’s presence on the ballot in 2012 that is currently before the Alabama Supreme Court under Chief Justice Roy Moore.
The case, dismissed at a lower level, is now being appealed to the Alabama Supreme Court, where strict constitutionalist Roy Moore was elected chief justice last November. The case becomes all the more intriguing because Moore is on record previously questioning Obama’s constitutional eligibility to serve as president.
This case will be amazing to watch unfold. We pray that Judge Moore stands firmly, and without fear, on his Christian principles and the foundation of our just laws and Constitution. We pray for his safety and that of Sheriff Joe and the Cold Case Posse. And, we continue to hope that the criminals in the Obama administration will be held accountable for their lawless actions against the United States of America.