Obama: 'My Obligation to Make Sure Africans are Safe'
By Tim Brown

Apparently Obama decided to be briefed by his “entire team” on Ebola (no word yet on whether he’s attended a national security briefing lately). He specifically called the virus the “Ebola epidemic” and said that the briefing was to understand how each agency would be involved and what they were doing, which he never told anyone about. He merely said he wanted to stop it at the source, which is in West Africa.
The problem is that the virus is no longer just in West Africa. It’s in Europe and the United States, with the US suffering its first fatality this week due in large measure to Obama not banning flights originating from Ebola-ridden countries in Africa. This is truly laughable that he claims to be “doing everything we can do to prevent an outbreak here in the United States.”
To make matters worse, CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden actually had the audacity to tell the American people that banning such flights would cause more Americans to get Ebola! Yet, Americans are petitioning the White House to ban such flights because they know better than this administration how to take care of themselves.
He then told the press, “The good news is it’s not an airborne disease.” Oh, really Mr. Liar-in-chief? That’s not what a recent, sneaky update on transmission of Ebola on the CDC’s website says. Then why is the US Army saying that winter weather provides the ideal conditions for Ebola to go airborne? Why has an associate professor of biological sciences at Purdue University, who participated in the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Biological Weapons Proliferation Prevention Program said that Ebola being airborne is not farfetched? How do you explain the Ebola Hot Zone in Virginia in 1989 where Ebola was passed from monkeys to pigs that had not physical contact? The Obama administration isn’t erring on the side of caution, they are just plain erring; and word is that their error is being conducted on purpose and that it violates the very protocols Obama told the press they were following.
“But let’s keep in mind that as we speak, there are children on the streets dying of this disease, thousands of them. And so obviously my first job is to make sure that we’re taking care of the American people, but we have a larger role than that. We also have an obligation to make sure that those (African) children and their families are safe as well; because ultimately the best thing we can do for our public health is also to extend the kind of empathy, compassion and effort so that folks in those countries as well can be rid of this disease.”
While I get the idea for sympathy for those facing the disease in other countries, I do wonder where that is in his job description, especially in light of the fact that he is not doing any of the things he told the press. He certainly is not doing everything he can to make sure Ebola doesn’t enter the US (banning flights, sealing the border, etc.).
The claim that his larger role and obligation is to the people of Africa is way down the line from doing what he should be doing, but isn’t. Any role he thinks he has in Africa is dwarfed, not enlarged, by his role to fulfill his duty here in the US. However, this is just more lies from this administration, for which I call upon Congress to begin to issue articles of impeachment to deal with him as our Constitution calls for.
The American people would be wise to prepare to take care of themselves in light of the dereliction of duty that has been demonstrated by this administration. You can find tips for doing that here.
Tim Brown is the Editor of Freedom Outpost.