By Gina Miller

Lord Christopher Monckton (Photo credit: Joanne Nova)
I admire England’s Lord Christopher Monckton. He has an impressive history that includes careers as a scientist, editor and journalist, political leader, policy advisor and businessman. He is a strong, fearless voice of reason in the face of the tyrannical, freedom-robbing global warmist hoax. So, it was with great interest that I read his latest column at WorldNetDaily.
His piece titled, “Obama’s ‘Inauguration’ Marks End of the Left,” makes the case that Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) and his atrocious, lawless behavior in the United States presidency will ultimately discredit the Left and end its political force. He points out that Obama has spent America into bankruptcy, and has supported the communist goals of the Left like the homosexual agenda with its phony “marriage.” He notes that Obama has allowed the flood of illegal immigration to continue unhindered and is fully on-board with what Lord Monckton calls “catastrophic anthropogenic climate alarm,” or “CACA” (right-on!).
Lord Monckton points out that in all these things, and the rest of Obama’s atrocious actions, the Republicans have not stopped Obama. Yet this, he reasons, will ultimately spell the end of the Left. He writes:
There are two remarkable things about Mr. Obama’s second “inauguration.”
First, it is remarkable that it happened at all. Secondly, it marks not the triumph of the left but the end of the left. You heard it here first.
… The second remarkable thing about this “inauguration” is that – though you may not see it yet – it marks the end of the socialist/communist/fascist left as a global political force.
Here is why.
The Republican Party has deliberately, carefully failed to do anything about the in-your-face bogus “birth certificate” Mr. Obama endorsed and posted on the White House website almost two years ago.
How, you may ask, does the failure of the Republican Party to take even the most elementary steps to get rid of an unlawful “president” mark the end of the left?
Simple. The longer Mr. Obama holds office, the more certain and visible will be the resulting national bankruptcy. And if he is allowed to serve out his second four-year sentence, nobody but the left will get the blame. For this reason, some Republicans did not want to win this election, which is why – for the second time in a row – they carefully chose the one candidate unquestionably incapable of beating him.
This faction argues that the huge damage he will cause will be less harmful in the long run, because once he is gone the left will be discredited.
Oh, would that this were true! While I would love to believe this, I have yet to see the true, malicious nature of the communist Left revealed to—and understood by—the general public. I have yet to see the hordes of sleeping or otherwise ignorant or deceived Americans realize the true goals of the communist Left. The Left has a near-lock on the minds of so many millions of Americans, especially the younger generations who have been schooled in leftist indoctrination in our government-run public schools and colleges.
We have watched for four years as Obama has literally spit on the limits of his power and on the United States Constitution, and he has done so with brazen impunity. When has there been such a tyrannical, lawless man occupying our presidency? Oh, we’ve certainly had some shysters in the Oval Office, but no one has shown such utter contempt for the United States, its traditions, its laws and its sovereignty as Obama has.
We are up against a massive disinformation machine in the American communist media. The most popular and powerful network “news” outlets are nothing more than mouthpieces for Democrat talking points. It is to the lying media that so many Americans turn for their “news,” and many of them do not realize that they are being fed leftist propaganda that portrays an illegitimate man in the White House in a false, positive light.
Nevertheless, Lord Monckton makes his case that Obama’s disgusting overreach will be the Left’s undoing. His optimism is refreshing, and we can certainly hope to see Obama’s downfall and imprisonment, as Lord Monckton predicts:
In short, Obama will continue to embody and to espouse every shibboleth, totem and sacred cow of the communist left. And every one of those totems is going to come tumbling down over the coming decade or two.
… The left, personified by Mr. Obama, have the reverse Midas touch. Everything they touch – everything he argued for in his mawkish inauguration address – is already turning to ashes. Daily, the failures of the left are becoming more visible and more complete. Soon, the Marxists and fascists will be one with Nineveh and Tyre.
And remember this. Once Mr. Obama is gone from the White House, you will no longer need a state’s attorney general to persuade a federal district court to order Hawaii to disclose the original “birth certificate” and hand it over for forensic examination.
In five years’ time, Black Jesus [as his staff calls him] will be in the Big House (unless his Republican successor pardons him). The darling of the international left will have fallen victim to the corruption endemic within the left itself.
The darkest hour is just before the dawn.
We can hope that Lord Monckton is right, and in a sane world where moral and rational people had power and authority, this would surely be the case.
In a sane world, Obama would never have received the Democrat nomination back in 2008, because he is reportedly the son of a foreign national, so he is ineligible to hold the office of President. In a sane world, Obama would be held accountable for his lawless actions, and his entire “presidency” would be nullified, and along with it, “Obamacare” and every other piece of legislation and every executive order he has signed. In a sane world, Obama would indeed be in prison. Alas, this world is not sane, and the “opposition” Republicans act like scared little girls in the face of this monstrous, thug administration.
While it is obvious to those of us in “the choir” that Obama and the Democrats (and more than a few Republicans) are on the path to destroy America’s economy, sovereignty and the rights and freedoms of the American people, the ignorant and deceived among us do not understand this. And, until or unless the zombie kool-aid drinkers who are under the sway of leftist propaganda and Obama-worship are shaken awake by a miracle of understanding, we will not see the Left discredited in the media, Hollywood, the schools or anywhere else where the Left holds forth its flow of misinformation.