Let's All Go to the Arafat Museum
By Daniel Greenfield
On the anniversary of his death, it is important
that we remember Yasser Arafat (8 or 9 other names,
including the ubiquitous Mohammed, may be added as
needed) as a murderer, a liar and a thief.
years ago, Arafat, the Egyptian terrorist leader who
founded an imaginary country on mass murder and our
foreign aid, died covered in his own vomit and
diarrhea. The possible causes of death, in order of
probability, were AIDS, according to his private
doctor and the head of the PFLP terror group, an
Israeli laser, according to the Palestinian
ambassador to Sri Lanka, thallium poisoning by
Israel, polonium poisoning by his Palestinian rivals
and the trained ape from Poe’s Murders in the Rue
The investigation into Arafat’s death went on for
over a decade and dragged in the Institut de
Radiophysique in Switzerland, Russia’s Federal
Medical-Biological Agency and a mysteriously
nameless team of French experts. Arafat’s
“temporary” mausoleum, a building that looks like a
Florida motel outhouse built on a giant scale, was
rummaged and his rotting remains were poked over by
three international teams who could agree on nothing
except that the dead terrorist was probably dead.
Probably. It was hard to tell if Arafat was alive
even back when he was still breathing and ranting.
a decade of the minions of the occupying Muslim
terror regime in Ramallah accusing each other, and
occasionally the Jews with their lasers, the Arafat
Museum has finally debuted the centerpiece of its
exhibit, the dead Egyptian terrorist’s bedroom. Last
month the museum managed to wrest Arafat’s Nobel
Peace Prize from Hamas without anyone being dragged
behind a motorcycle or thrown off a building. This
marked a major improvement in relations between the
two aspiring Palestinian terror states. If that
doesn’t merit handing out more peace prizes to
everyone involved, what would?
When Hamas seized Gaza, they looted Arafat’s
headquarters and stole everything. They stole
Arafat’s fake military uniforms. They took his
wife’s Christian Louboutin shoes which go for $675
at Saks Fifth Avenue. They took all the furniture.
They even pried the tiles out of the walls and stole
all his pipes.
And they took his Nobel Peace Prize.
According to Arafat’s nephew, some of the loot wound
up in the bazaars of Gaza where the cycle of theft
inherent in the Palestinian Authority continued.
Hamas is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood and Arafat
was a former Muslim Brotherhood man. And yet his
former Brothers sold his pants and schmattas in the
streets of Gaza only a few years after he was laid
low by a polonium AIDS laser. If you can’t trust a
Muslim Brother not to pawn your Nobel Peace Prize in
exchange for a lightly stained area rug and an
unlocked iPhone, whom can you trust?
The bankrupt Palestinian Authority, which is always
begging for foreign aid, will see the opening of the
pricey 28,000 square feet Arafat Museum. Visitors
will be able to view his gun and what the Associated
Press touchingly describes as “the small bedroom
where their longtime leader Yasser Arafat spent his
final years” with “only a single bed and small
closet that barely holds four suits”.
Only four suits. It’s almost enough to make you
weep. The other suits must have been stolen by
real life, Arafat’s wealth was estimated at between
$1 and $1.3 billion. At his peak, it might have been
as high as $3 billion. His fashionable wife lived in
Paris on a $100,000 a month allowance. Her personal
refugee camp was located in a 19 room suite at the
five-star Bristol Hotel. It’s unknown if UNRWA aid
workers brought her caviar and champagne or if that
indignity fell to the hotel staff.
Arafat wasn’t just good to his wife. He was also
good to Bill Clinton’s wife. Arafat presented
Hillary with gold and diamond necklaces, bracelets
and earrings. Like the Bristol, Hillary’s diamonds
and every act of racist mass murder perpetrated by
Arafat’s terrorists was paid for by American
The Muslim settlers occupying ’67 Israel might have
enjoyed a tour of the Bristol far more than a shrine
that pretends Arafat wasn’t a billionaire who got
ridiculously rich off his killing sprees. The
“humble” bedroom is part of a museum, which also
looks like a Florida motel, whose costs were
estimated at $15 million and has been underway in
some form or another since 2008.
when Mahmoud Abbas, Arafat’s successor, broke ground
on it, it was supposed to take 18 months. But
there’s usually more money to be made in not doing
things in the West Bank than in doing them. And no
one seems to be able to account for where the money
is coming from which makes the project a true
tribute to Arafat’s management of the Palestinian
But maybe it took that long to gather all those
“thousands of personal belongings” of the dead mass
murderer from the Gaza bazaars to deposit them in a
museum dedicated to the Father of Palestine.
The entire thing is only temporary. Arafat is only
temporarily resting in pieces, after being poked
over by the French, the Russians and the Swiss,
until his Jihadists, with some aid from the United
Nations, conquer Jerusalem and relocate his remains,
which by now can probably fit in a Ziploc bag.
Then Arafat will rise from his grave and demand that
Hamas return his stolen pants.
It is important to properly memorialize Arafat. He
was a murderer, a liar and a thief. And everyone
knew it. The foreign ambassadors and leaders he
dealt with knew it. Bill Clinton, who made him a
world leader, knew it. You couldn’t spend 5 minutes
with him before he tried to steal your wallet. Or,
as was the case with Virginia Governor Terry
McAuliffe, grope your leg and then give you a
soulful kiss.
Arafat was a con artist who was the son of a failed
con artist. He was born in Cairo and died near
Paris. His first adult visit to Israel was with a
band of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood terrorists who
tried to attack Israeli farms, but despite facing
only a handful of Jews armed with guns, they lost
and had to run back home. Arafat’s military track
record didn’t get any better from there.
He didn’t beat Israel on the battlefield. Instead he
lied and cried. He played the victim often enough
that world leaders decided that the best way to end
his terrorism was to give him a terrorist state in
Israel. Like the Holocaust, “Palestine” happened
because millions followed a psychotic con artist’s
murderous fantasies while much of the rest of the
world defended him and made excuses for him. The
“Palestinian” disaster has cost the lives of
thousands, Jews, Christians and Muslims, who do not
receive a fraction of the tributes that the
architects of that national and international
disaster do.
But we know what killed them. Palestine did.
Arafat’s Big Lie, a lie so big it would have made Goebbels stand up and cheer, invented an imaginary country. And then it used that country as a call to genocide and an excuse for mass murder.
Mohammed Yasser Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa was a mediocre murderer. He was a talented thief. But he was a truly unequaled liar. His lie still lives on. It has a flag. It receives billions in foreign aid every year. It is moving closer to recognition at the United Nations. Synagogues are bombed and Jewish students are assaulted on college campuses because of that lie.
Why was Arafat’s Palestine lie so successful? He told everyone what they wanted to hear.
The xenophobic Muslim majority in the region wanted to pretend that its efforts to exterminate the Jews were the noble strivings of a minority rather than the abusive atrocities of a racist majority.
The European left wanted to sweep away the Holocaust to legitimize anti-Semitism all over again.

That collection of lies, shameful treacheries and bigotry is why Palestine exists. It all deserves a proper museum. A museum of lies and massacres that would hold Arafat’s looted Nobel Peace Prize and the names of his victims. That would showcase the mansions of Gaza and the lies of the press. It would remind us that that the Holocaust was built not on mere force, but on liars and their accomplices.
And there could be no better name for such an institution than the Arafat Museum.