If Obama Had An Adopted Mother, She'd Look Like Hillary Clinton
Commonsense, accountability and integrity -- not genitalia -- will bring back the America that existed before Obama forced his obsessive mission to fundamentally transform it.
By Judi McLeod

If Barack Obama had an adopted mother, she’d look an awful lot like Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Not only did Obama and Clinton choose the same mentor, Uncle Saul Alinsky, in their salad years, both practiced law before becoming nest-feathering career politicians and both are sworn Marxists at heart.
A most loyal and all too willing servant in the Obama regime, at the ready to go it on her own in the fullness of time, Hillary Clinton is every inch as imperious and presumptive as the man who would be king.
How else to explain that students who happened to be attending classes along the route of her royal tour yesterday were held in lockdown just because Her Majesty had come to call?
“Students at Iowa’s Kirkwood Community College were apparently on ‘lockdown’ if their classes were along Hillary Clinton’s walking path when she visited their campus Tuesday.” (IJ Review, April 14, 2015)
According to the big money Clinton campaign: “Throughout her life Hillary has been a tenacious fighter for children, families and middle class American families.”
That’s their story and they’ll be sticking to it while all opponents will be mainstream media-smeared.
With America now on the rocks, the two main platforms of the out-in-left-field Democratic Party are losing their grip on credibility. The top two Democrat platforms, “everybody’s a racist” and the ‘War on Women’ are beginning to collapse under their own weight.
Even with Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and a bevy of mainstream media stoking the fires of racial discord, it’s becoming harder to sustain now that it’s clear that Obama has done nothing significant to help America’s struggling black communities.
The Dems big pink balloon floating the words that ‘It’s time for America to elect its first woman president’ is absurd.
Commonsense, accountability and integrity—not genitalia—will bring back the America that existed before Obama forced his obsessive mission to fundamentally transform it.
People who claim that Hillary Clinton will be better for America than the anti-American Obama are only kidding themselves.
Authors who claim the Obamas and Clintons secretly hate each other are driving dishonest theories for best sellers.
The plain truth is that both Obama and Clinton have been cut from the proverbial same cloth.
Under the unforgiving microscope of common sense, one is an empty suit and the other, an empty pantsuit.
When Bill and Hillary Clinton left the White House in 2001, they took away some of its booty that only public outrage saw returned.
When Obama reached the Oval Office, he stole the entire White House, and as history has been proving every day, not even Republican control of the House and Senate has forced him to return it.
It’s a bubblegum-stretched fairytale that Hillary Clinton, whose most infamous words on the death of four Americans in Benghazi, “What difference does it make?” still ring in the ears two-plus years after she first shrieked them, has suddenly emerged as a champion of the middle class.
Where was that champion for the 22 long years of her political career, including ‘The Bill and Shrill One’ when the Clintons were running the White House show as co-presidents?
There has been no champion of the middle class in America since President Ronald Reagan, and therein lies both America’s and the Free West’s biggest problem.
There is no champion of the middle class, save for the one being manufactured by the Democrats, the same ones who only seven years ago manufactured Messiah Obama.