Election 2048 - Under the Peace of Islam
By Daniel Greenfield
Election Coverage 2048 - Al-CNN
As the election of 2048 approaches, the
candidates from both parties continue to
exchange strong views on the issues that affect
the lives of Americans. The Party of Democracy
and Justice (Hezb-Al-Dimukratie-Wa'al Adalah)
continues to maintain that the election will
come down to social justice issues.
“With 34 percent unemployment and the price of
goat so far out of range of most working
families that they have been forced to switch to
chicken, it is time that our opponents stopped
dodging the issues and took a serious look at
the economic consequences of their policies,”
Bashar Mohammed Hussein Al-Hamdani, said during
a campaign stop at a HalalBurger in Peoria,
However the ruling Freedom and Religion Party
(Hezb Al-Hurriyah Wa'al Allah) denounced this as
class warfare. Still preoccupied with the
ongoing occupation of the Netherlands and
Greece, the party has taken criticism for
ignoring the economic problems of the United
States while being preoccupied with waging
foreign wars in the name of Islam.
Nevertheless President Mohammed Al-Thani, fresh
off a pilgrimage from Mecca, vigorously defended
his record while conducting a photo op at a San
Diego Madrassa. “The Freedom and Religion Party
believes in creating opportunities, rather than
offering hand outs. Our subjugation of infidel
nations has opened up new territories to be
dominated by the believers and our vigorous
drive for national morality has revived the
family unit as an economic force. Our program of
heavily fining women who go out with their naked
hair exposed and raising the Jizya tax on the
People of the Book has also raised billions of
dollars that will go toward repaying the nation
93 trillion dollar debt.”
The high Jizya tax has provoked outrage in some
parts of the United States, but the continuing
decline of the nation’s non-Muslim population
has made the Christian vote much less of a
factor in the election. Hamdani has promised to
cut the Jizya tax by 20 percent if elected, but
it is unclear whether conservative elements in
his own party will allow him to do it. National
surveys show that since making the proposal,
Hamdani’s ratings have gone down 9 points in
Illinois and 14 points in California.
President Al-Thani’s advisors view the 2 million
conversions to Islam since the Jizya tax was
tripled as a major benefit to the party which
lost its Christian support during the Great
Transition. Since then the Freedom and Justice
Party has picked up a Christian and Jewish bloc
vote, but the value of that bloc has not held up
well over the last two elections.
Christian rights activists attribute the decline
of American Christians to the Jizya tax which
has made it impossible for many Christian
families to earn a living. They also blame the
bloody 2045 Riots which marked the end of the
Christian presence in former strongholds such as
Nashville and Cedar Rapids, as well as rumors
about the kidnapping and forced conversion of
Christian girls.
However popular talk show host and pundit, Abdul
Greene countered that the decrease was best
explained by the large scale immigration of
Christians out of the country. “The Christians
are too bigoted to live in the same country with
us, just like their parents and grandparents. If
they can’t control the country, they refuse to
live here and accept our laws.”
Christian rights activists have accused Greene
of playing a major role in stirring up the 2045
Riots which torched Christian areas in major
cities across the United States after a
Christian man was accused of having an intimate
encounter with a Muslim woman. Greene however
insists that the Christians are the ones to
blame. Greene's support of the Freedom and
Religion Party has been controversial, but
President Al-Thani has refused to disavow him.
The latest round of attacks by Greek guerrillas
on liberation forces in Athens led to smaller
attacks on Christian businesses in New York,
Chicago and Los Angeles last month. They also
accentuated the debate over the continuing
occupation of Greece which began in 2031 when
the United States government intervened to
protect the territorial claims of the Turkish
Republic of Cyprus. Much as in the Netherlands,
the intervention to protect a Muslim community
turned into a full blown occupation and a war
against an insurgency that is believed to be
backed and supplied by rogue states such as the
breakaway Arctic Republic and the Zionist
The Freedom and Religion Party under President
Al-Thani continues to take the position that
American prosperity is closely linked to the
welfare of the rest of the Muslim world. In the
State of the Union address the president stated
that, "We cannot repeat the folly of the
Americans of the pagan period who believed that
they could have material wealth without
religion. Our prosperity comes from Allah and it
is only by spreading the way of Allah and
conducting our Jihad in the way of Allah on
behalf of our endangered brothers and sisters in
Europe and Asia that we will be deserving of
Allah's bounty."
Hoping to exploit the widespread economic
dissatisfaction, Hamdani, a former Wisconsin
governor, has promised to withdraw troops from
Greece within two years and the Netherlands
within five years with the majority of remaining
liberation forces being drawn from other Muslim
countries. "We can best aid our fellow believers
in the Muslim world by being a model of
stability and a beacon of tolerance."
Yusuf Al-Amiriki, a member of Hamdini's foreign
policy defense team and a first generation convert
descended from two American presidents, courted
controversy with a proposal to set up a coalition
government of Muslim and moderate Christian groups
in the Netherlands. Such governments had been tried
in Europe before during the 2030's, but invariably
fell apart. Leading Senators from the Freedom and
Justice Party accused Hamdani of selling out Muslim
interests in order to court the Christian vote.
Hamdani's spokeswoman, Aisha Zubedi, has refused to
comment on the Amiriki proposal except to say that
Hamdani was open to any solution that would restore
peace to the people of the Netherlands and protect
the rights of European Muslims.
Hamdani courted further controversy by appearing at
the funeral of former President Bob Thompson.
Thompson had served two terms and while his
administration had worked hard on outreach to the
Muslim world, he also engaged in the targeted murder
of Muslim religious leaders and provided aid to the
Zionist entity. For these reasons, President
Al-Thani chose not to appear at his funeral even
though President Thompson had been a member of the
pre-transition Freedom and Religion Party, which was
then known as the Republican Party.
Despite the official disapproval, Thompson was
viewed positively by many in the Muslim community.
Tens of millions of Pakistani-Americans remember how
after the India-Pakistan war, the Thompson
Administration generously opened its borders to
victims of the nuclear fallout in Pakistan. Without
that step it might have taken decades more before
America achieved a Muslim majority.
During the beginning of his second term, Thompson
became the first president to take the oath of
office on both a Bible and a Koran declaring that he
wanted to make no separation between the books of
god. At the Thompson funeral, Hamdani appeared to
promise that he would repeat that gesture, but his
spokeswoman quickly disavowed any notion that he
would ever take an oath on a text that was not the
"No American president has taken an oath on a bible
in over a decade, all that the governor meant was
that he would keep both Christians and Muslims in
mind as the people of Allah when he takes his oath
to protect and defend the Sharia," Aisha Zubedi
While the Democracy and Justice Party has often
appealed to the poor, its missteps have raised
concerns in traditional Muslim communities that
Hamdani is going too far in pandering to
non-Muslims. "Next thing you know he'll say we
should let the Jews come back to America,"
Congressman Mohammed Mogabe declared. "If Hamdani
wants votes out of Cleveland then he is going to
show he will fight for us, not for the enemies of
the prophets."
Hamdani has hurriedly scheduled an upcoming visit to
the Ground Zero Mosque, but it may not be enough to
improve his image in the eyes those who have accused
him of flirting with apostasy. While the Mosque is a
traditional stop for presidential candidates,
Hamdani is unlikely to pay tribute to the souls of
the 19 martyrs as Al-Thani did during the previous
Hoping to refocus attention on his economic program,
Hamdani called for higher corporate taxes and
accused some corporations of abusing Islamic
banking, in particular Hibah payments, to avoid
paying taxes. Such charges are not new, but
particularly galling at a time when over half the
country is out of work and tycoons like Ahmed
Shalafi and Sheikh Johnson have used their
connections with the Al-Thani government to become
To counter Hamdani, Al-Thani's economic advisers
have offered up a stimulus plan that raises the
Jizya tax on infidels for the second time in a year
and vowed to cut spending even further without
affecting subsidies to Islamic schools or military
preparedness for the Global Jihad. Though the
election is still some time away, the Al-Thani
campaign has also rolled out a series of ads
targeting poor communities which accuse Hamdani of
plotting with Jewish and Christian tycoons to
subvert the Islamic system of finance through
freemasonry and Communist class warfare tactics.

Adding further drama to the election is the
possibility of a third party campaign. Andrew
McMillan who has been running as an independent in
elections for almost twenty years without appealing
to anyone but the same racist groups who have been
disavowed even by most Christians and Jews, but
there is talk that McMillan's America Party might
consider replacing the eccentric millionaire with
sports star Ted March. As leading goalscorer who
helped the United States win the 2042 World Cup,
March is one of the most admired non-Muslims in the
country. With him on the ticket, the America Party
might be able to adopt a new moderate image that is
no longer associated with bigotry and intolerance.
But frustrating his own party members, the
septuagenarian McMillan appeared to an event
commemorating the 2045 riots and gave a rousing
speech which hit on many of the same old themes.
"For thirty-six years I've been involved in politics
and the only thing that I can tell you about
politics is that it's all bunk. We weren't talking
about the things that mattered thirty-six years ago
and we aren't talking about them now."