Congressional Candidate Gets Hell's Vitriol by Standing for Marraige
By Gina Miller

Dean Young
As the screeching against morality, the wailing against truth and the outrageous bully tactics of the militant homosexual Left continue to escalate, we are seeing more and more conservatives buckle under fear of maniacal, homosexual wrath. So, it is quite refreshing to find a man who is unafraid to stand and tell the truth about the homosexual movement’s anti-freedom campaign and its push for an unnatural, impossible definition of “marriage” between members of the same sex. That man is Dean Young, candidate for U.S. Congress in Alabama’s 1st District.
Mr. Young is running for Congress in a fairly large field of eight other Republican primary candidates, with the primary election to be held September 24th. He decided to create a pledge to stand for true marriage against the homosexual movement’s same-sex “marriage” agenda, which he asked his fellow Republican primary candidates to sign. So far, none of the other “conservative” candidates have stepped up to sign the pledge.
Our faith teaches us that marriage is defined as one man and one woman joining together in holy matrimony. The Defense of Marriage Act passed Congress and became law in hopes of protecting traditional marriage and against an activist homosexual marriage agenda. In June of this year the U.S. Supreme Court declared the protections of DOMA unconstitutional.
The national Republican Party platform has a clear plank opposing gay marriage. The Alabama State Republican Executive Committee has on its agenda for its August 24 meeting a by-law change to expel any member who supports gay marriage, thereby contradicting the Republican position.
It is time for men and women of faith to stand for the founding Christian values and morals that made our nation great, to defend our families and the sacred holiness of marriage.
1. I believe that the only marriage is between one man and one woman.
2. I believe the Biblical condemnation of homosexuality and thereby gay marriage.
3. The tenants [sic] of my church oppose gay marriage.
4. I oppose gay marriage.
5. As a member of Congress, I shall take active steps to oppose gay marriage.
6. I support the by-law change to expel any member of the Republican Executive Committee who opposes the party position by supporting gay marriage.
This simple pledge for morality sent the Left into hysterics. Mr. Young has received vicious e-mails, caustic comments, letters to the editor and national attention with hit pieces at the Huffington Post and Think Progress. Both columns try to make the case that Mr. Young’s pledge amounts to a “religious test” for office. That is not the case. His pledge is a voluntary statement—not a legal mandate—that candidates can make to assure Alabama voters that they will stand for morality and true marriage. But, oh, the horror to the Left! Dean Young clearly scares these Godless reprobates who despise truth and demand society’s approval for their degenerate behavior.
Regarding the uproar over his pledge, WorldNetDaily’s Michael Carl quoted Mr. Young as saying:
“We’re very close to being at the end of our nation. If we don’t support the godly principles that made this nation great, then we’re going to lose this nation,” he said.
“This shouldn’t even be a political question. I thought it would be a very simple thing to have the candidates come together and support marriage as being one man and one woman,” Young said.
… Young admits to being taken aback by the amount of attention his call for a pro-family pledge has received.
“I had no idea that this would turn into a national onslaught and that the Huffington Post and other liberal papers would think that’s such a bizarre thing that I did,” he said.
He said it is important for lawmakers to have solid moral principles.
“We need to send to Washington [those who] will stand up for what made this country great. If we can’t stand up for the family unit, beginning with what makes a marriage, then I don’t think a person needs to go to Washington,” Young said.
I could not agree more! And, I’m certain the majority of Americans—still the majority—fully concurs and wants no part of the advancement of the radical homosexual’s freedom-robbing, soul-destroying agenda.
Dean Young is the real deal. I’ve had the honor of being invited to speak at TEA Party rallies in Mobile, Alabama, and he has also been a guest speaker at a couple of them. I have met him and have heard his clear, unflinching dedication to the truth of God’s Word and the terrible state of our nation, with our desperate need to return to the solid, moral principles that gave our nation such a blessed history.
While we lament the lack of quality, truly conservative candidates for public office, when we do find one, we must back him till his belly’s blue! We need Dean Young in Congress. Let’s pray for the Lord’s protection for him and his family as they endure the wicked wrath of Hell’s minions, because Mr. Young is a Godly man who stands firmly for the truth, and you know the Godless Left cannot abide the thought that such a man might actually make it to Washington. And, of course, we can greatly help by donating the money he needs to get his message out to the voters of Alabama.