Can Joe Biden Survive a Battle With...Joe Biden?
By Stephen Kruiser
(AP Photo/Charlie
Joe Biden Is His Own Toughest Opponent
Joe Biden hasn’t put together three coherent sentences since he announced his run for president, yet he is apparently leading all of the presidential polls at the moment. We can cast aspersions on the validity of the polls and the choice-making of the American electorate at a later date. Today we’re going to speculate about Crazy Joe the Wonder Veep’s eventual return to the campaign trail, however socially-distanced it may be.
That Biden is the Democrats’ presumptive nominee is truly remarkable when you think about it. He’s all but abandoned his native tongue. He had one mediocre debate performance while the rest ranged from awful to disastrous. He’s off-script more than Robin Williams during his peak cocaine years on Mork and Mindy, yet everyone over on that side keeps giving him a pass.
As many have noted, this pandemic shutdown has been a boon for Biden and is probably the reason he’s doing well in the polls. Time away from the public eye has been Biden’s friend, train wreck video appearances notwithstanding.
My latest “Democrats want the shutdown to continue” theory doesn’t have to do with tanking the economy, which I still believe is their primary objective. I believe their secondary objective is to leave as little time as possible between the return of the candidates to the campaign trail and the election. Biden is barely able to navigate the tightly scripted affairs that his handlers have him doing from his basement, they’re petrified of the thought of him being out in the wild, off-leash and babbling.

Former Vice President Joe Biden, left, and Sen.
Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., right, greet one another.
Sunday, March 15, 2020. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
So, the longer Democratic governors can keep things
at least in partial shutdown, the more the economy
tanks and hurts Trump and the more reason Team Biden
has to keep their guy away from cameras where he
might eat a booger or sniff a stranger.
I’ll admit, this is the first presidential election since 1984 where I was looking forward to the general election debates. The thought of seeing Trump’s extemporaneous wizardry going head-to-head with Biden’s word salad factory will probably come off as something more akin to British comedy than American political theater. Must-see TV for sure.
There is little doubt that Biden’s biggest gaffe is just waiting for his grand return to campaigning in public. You know it, I know it, and his handlers all have bleeding ulcers because they know it better than anyone. Once he is back out in public, Joe Biden becomes the greatest weapon against Joe Biden. President Trump could go on autopilot and win the election.
Joe Biden is a classic example of a guy who can’t get out of his own way and the Republicans would love to put him in his way very soon. Expect President Trump to taunt him more about getting out as the summer wears on if they still have Joe locked in the basement. That could have some high entertainment value too.

Vice President Joe Biden, participates in a Democratic presidential primary debate at CNN Studios, Sunday, March 15, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
This weird year is only going to get weirder as we
get closer to the election. Biden may be leading in
the polls right now but everyone who is being honest
with themselves knows that his only real chance of
winning is having this pandemic drama shield him
from having to be himself in public.
OK, Biden is being honest with himself right now but all he knows is that he wants a white pony and his foot doesn’t taste as good as he thought it would.