California elects Garcia (R) sending Dems an “Open America” referendum
By Stephen Z. Nemo
As Democrats are about to nominate a presidential candidate with diminished mental faculties and sexual assault accusations that won’t go away, the Dem’s only hope for victory this November is a crushed US economy. However, the election of Mike Garcia (R) in reliably blue California indicates a Trump “Open America” referendum. (California Republican Mike Garcia on flipping House seat: ‘There’s an awakening here’)

Vice President Joe Biden has problem
focusing. MSNBC screen capture.
As their friends in the media work hard to shield China from responsibility for unleashing a pandemic now killing Americans and inflicting economic havoc, they are peppering President Trump with loaded questions, such as,
“How many dead Americans are acceptable to you?”
A never-ending lockdown

Huntington Beach, California, protestors. Global News screen capture.
In blue states, meanwhile, governors have used the
health disaster as a pretext to deny American
citizens their constitutional rights for the
duration of the crisis. A duration they alone will
determine as their citizen’s bank accounts dwindle
and their small-business employers near the
precipice of bankruptcy.
On his daily syndicated radio talk show, conservative host Rush Limbaugh told his audience,
“All these blue state governors that want to keep their states locked down, it’s purely political. But what are they depending on? They’re depending on the red states – the red states that are opening up? The red states are gonna get the economy kickstarted.”
On the left coast, meanwhile
But that strategy comes with consequences. And we are seeing these consequences play out in real-time. Such as in deep blue-state California. To that end, Republican Mike Garcia defeated his Democratic opponent Christy Smith in a special election for California’s 25th Congressional District.
A district that encompasses a portion of Los Angeles that went for Hillary Clinton in 2016. A district that on Tuesday elected a Republican candidate endorsed by President Trump.

Losing Democratic congressional candidate
Christy Smith. CBS Los Angeles affiliate KCAL
screen capture.
As the New York Times observed:
“Long before the coronavirus pandemic, Democrats tried to portray the race as a referendum on Mr. Trump, a strategy they thought would resonate in the district, where Hillary Clinton won in 2016 by nearly seven points.”
Have frustrated California voters been driven – finally – to anger over draconian, never-ending “stay-at-home” orders by their over-reacting, overreaching Democratic overlords?
Has President Trump’s devotion to constitutional federalism, which forced Democratic state and local officials to govern during the coronavirus crisis, unmasked them for the petty tyrants they are?
Is Trump Derangement Syndrome the kryptonite to end the cultural and political dominance of Democratic Party rule and what little influence remains of their propagandists in the fake-news media?
Opening America
Fresh from his upset victory, Garcia told Fox News his district’s voters want to open their state. Especially…
“… in a time when small businesses are hurting, and taxpayers are hurting, the message of helping small businesses being pro-growth, being pro-business and lowering taxes was resonating with folks.”
Mike Garcia’s election in blue-state California should be seen as a referendum on President Trump’s call to get Open America and get Americans back to work.