Americans Were
Deliberately Left to Die
By Billy Allmon
Two of my SEAL brothers, Doherty and Woods were in Benghazi, working with the CIA, on an intelligence mission to locate shoulder fired surface-to-air missiles that were stolen by Al Qaeda why Libya fell. They heard several shots being fired near the consulate. It was recorded that - Ty radioed to inform his superiors and tell them what he was hearing, and requested permission to assist at the consulate. However, they were told to "stand down!" An hour later, they called again to report the gunfire and requested to assist, and were again told to "stand down!" WHY? And by whom? Only the President can give the order to military units to cross a country's borders.
or about midnight, while shooting in various
areas was still going on, It was recorded that
Woods and Doherty called for any U.S. military
support, because they were taking fire at the
CIA safe house/annex. The request was denied.
There were no communications problems at the
annex, according those present at the compound,
which was verified by the radio recordings, and
by the Drone that was flying overhead. The team
was in constant radio contact with their
headquarters. In fact, it was reported that
Doherty was on the roof of the annex manning a
heavy machine gun killing several terrorists,
when mortars were fired at the CIA compound.
Because they knew that there was a Drone
overhead, Woods had a laser on the mortar
position for targeting. However, the drone was
reported to be unarmed.

As Hillary, ignored pleads for assistance in security, to shut down the consulate, as it was becoming unsafe. Hilary also had a part in forging documents, and openly lied about a movie being the cause of the attacks. Further, she told the parents of Doherty and Woods that, "They are going to prosecute those responsible for making the movie, which sparked the attacks." WHY the lie about a movie?

Obama, as president, is the ONLY one who can give cross border permission to any military command or unit to go into another country. Obama NEVER gave that permission. Obama, also did NOT stay apprized of the situation when he was informed of the dangers that the situation in Benghazi was rapidly deteriorating. It is known that Obama was very ambiguous in his presidential responsibilities, and told aides to (paraphrased) "do what they think is right." Obama also lied to the American people about why the attack happened, by blaming this event on a movie. WHY the lies? WHY did he NOT authorize the military rescue?
WHY did he not get ALL Americans out of Benghazi the moment that he learned that Americans, especially one of his ambassadors, were in danger? What was to be gained by NOT taking ANY action and leaving Americans their to die? The president would have been hailed a hero for sending in a rescue team to save Americans. Especially during an election, yet he decided NOT to take ANY action, and leave the next day for a fund raiser in Las Vegas! By not taking the appropriate military action to rescue Americans president Obama is responsible for the deaths of four Americans! WHY did he NOT take action?
By Billy Allmon
Two of my SEAL brothers, Doherty and Woods were in Benghazi, working with the CIA, on an intelligence mission to locate shoulder fired surface-to-air missiles that were stolen by Al Qaeda why Libya fell. They heard several shots being fired near the consulate. It was recorded that - Ty radioed to inform his superiors and tell them what he was hearing, and requested permission to assist at the consulate. However, they were told to "stand down!" An hour later, they called again to report the gunfire and requested to assist, and were again told to "stand down!" WHY? And by whom? Only the President can give the order to military units to cross a country's borders.
It was reported that both woods and Doherty were
killing every terrorist that appeared. Ty
repeatedly requested back-up support from a
Specter gunship that was in a neutral area. This
is a C-130 aircraft that fires 20mm bullets
(about the size of mans thumb), and 105 howitzer
rounds at laser illuminated targets. This
aircraft is commonly used by U.S. Special
Operations forces to provide support to Special
Operations teams on the ground involved in
intense firefights. The aircraft was told to
"stand down!" WHY? And by whom? Only the
President can give the order to military units
to cross a country's borders or not too.
It was learned that the fighting at the CIA
annex alone went on for more than four hours,
this was enough time for any planes based in
Spain, Italy, or Djibouti to arrive and assist.
However, two separate Tier One Special
operations forces were told to wait… a special
Marine FAST unit, and Delta Force operators.
WHY? And by whom? Only the President can give
the order to military units to cross a country's
borders. Why did the president NOT give the
It was learned through various witnesses that
the end came when the Terrorists fired mortar
rounds that detonated on top of the annex. It is
believed that Doherty was killed when the mortar
exploded, and Ty Woods was mortally wounded.
Woods bled out from his wounds for several hours
after he was hit. This was reported by those who
were sent in to recover the Ambassadors body,
and when they saw the type of wounds that Woods
had received from the exploded mortar round, and
the amount of blood that he had lost, it was
speculated that he had lived for perhaps 1 or 2
hours before he finally died from the loss of
blood from his wounds.
My sources, are those who were attached to
various support units, and who were in and
around the area at the time, and I gave them my
word that I would not publicize their names, as
some are still on active duty. This is ONLY a
small bit of the information that was notarized
and sent to several representatives. Our team,
compiled 42 pages of information. When the
entire report is read, one can ONLY conclude
that these Americans were deliberately left
there to die, due to the criminal negligence,
and inaction on behalf of Hilary Clinton, and
Barrack Obama.
As Hillary, ignored pleads for assistance in security, to shut down the consulate, as it was becoming unsafe. Hilary also had a part in forging documents, and openly lied about a movie being the cause of the attacks. Further, she told the parents of Doherty and Woods that, "They are going to prosecute those responsible for making the movie, which sparked the attacks." WHY the lie about a movie?
Obama, as president, is the ONLY one who can give cross border permission to any military command or unit to go into another country. Obama NEVER gave that permission. Obama, also did NOT stay apprized of the situation when he was informed of the dangers that the situation in Benghazi was rapidly deteriorating. It is known that Obama was very ambiguous in his presidential responsibilities, and told aides to (paraphrased) "do what they think is right." Obama also lied to the American people about why the attack happened, by blaming this event on a movie. WHY the lies? WHY did he NOT authorize the military rescue?
WHY did he not get ALL Americans out of Benghazi the moment that he learned that Americans, especially one of his ambassadors, were in danger? What was to be gained by NOT taking ANY action and leaving Americans their to die? The president would have been hailed a hero for sending in a rescue team to save Americans. Especially during an election, yet he decided NOT to take ANY action, and leave the next day for a fund raiser in Las Vegas! By not taking the appropriate military action to rescue Americans president Obama is responsible for the deaths of four Americans! WHY did he NOT take action?