The latest talking point in the Western terrorism apologist camp is
that Islamic terrorism against Americans began in 1968 when a PLO
supporter named Siran Sirhan assassinated Robert Kennedy. Thaddeus
Russel, a radical professor and author of something called, "A
Renegade History of the United States", circulated the latest
version of this meme when he wrote;
"Not one American died at the hands of a politically motivated
Arab or Muslim until June 5, 1968, when Robert F. Kennedy was
shot to death by Sirhan Sirhan. The killing came shortly after
President Lyndon Johnson declared that the U.S. would become
Israel’s major sponsor"
Of course there's one problem with this claim. History.
The difference between History and Radical History, is that the
former is a record of events that actually took place, and the
latter is a distortion of history based on a political agenda. The
idea that Muslim terrorists began murdering and trying to murder
Americans, after an LBJ announcement isn't history. It's radical
history. So let's take a look at history instead.
In 1958, ten years before Sirhan Sirhan began polishing his gun, the
United Arab Republic (a geographical Frankenstein's monster under
the rule of Egypt's Hitler worshiping General, Gamal Abdel Nasser)
funded and armed a Muslim revolt against the Christian Lebanese
government of President Chamoun. Eisenhower responded by sending in
the US Marines as peacekeeping forces. The Muslim terrorists
responded by setting off bombs in public squares, restaurants and
department stores where Americans were likely to be found.
Beirut cafe filled with US soldiers was bombed. So was a bus
outside the Capital Hotel, which was filled with Americans. The
ABC Department Store, a five story building frequented by
Americans was hit by a suicide truck bomber. The same building also
housed the local offices of the Singer Sewing Machine company. A
bomb went off 30 yards away from the car of the US ambassador. A
US Sergeant was shot and killed by a sniper. But of course we've
already forgotten the Marines storming Red Beach on 24 hours notice.
But the terrorism still went on. The US embassy
was bombed in 1967 and
bombed again in 1969. And all this is only a snapshot of Arab
Muslim terrorist attacks against the US in a single city, in one
But apologists for Muslim terrorists will go on to
claim that we just shouldn't have been in a Christian country, being
claimed by Muslims. Just as they would similarly agree that we
shouldn't support Israel, a Jewish country being claimed by Muslims.
Or Thailand, a Buddhist country also being claimed by Muslims. In
essence we should just stay out of every non-Muslim country being
claimed by Muslims. Which includes much of the known world--
including parts of Europe, such as Spain.
So instead let's
stay at home. Surely Muslim violence will not trouble us here. Not
before the dreaded year 1968, when LBJ and RFK said something
positive about Israel. That has to work. Doesn't it?
let's go back to 1930, before there even was an Israel. Before US
forces were carrying out peacekeeping operations in the Middle East.
When the
Nation of Islam was founded by W. F. Muhammad. That friendly
religious order which claims that white people are subhuman and that
America is the devil. The Nation of Islam is however more than just
a letter on a baseball cap or a crazy leader occasionally appearing
on talk shows to explain why he hates the very people who are giving
him a platform. Like just about everything with Islam in its Islam,
it has had a long and bloody history from the very beginning.
In 1932 Robert Karriem, one of Muhammad's followers, gathered 12
other followers together, along with his wife and children, as he
tied down a tenant of his, James J. Smith, and stabbed him in the
chest and then smashed in his skull. Karriem proclaimed "
unbeliever must be stabbed through the heart" and "
every son
of Islam must gain a victory from the devil. Four victories and the
son will attain his reward". All quotes from Muhammad's
teachings about Islam. Kerriem was caught and put away, but the
violence only grew.
In that same year, the Reverend J.D.
Howell, pastor of
St. Stephen's African Methodist Episcopal Church, warned against
"the sinister cult of Islamism" which "toppled sanity into homicidal
Reverend Howell also emphasized that "The Negro race cannot, as
such, be held responsible for the actions and teachings of
fanatics. Their 'Arabian' leader is solely to blame. There must
be quick and just punishment of those who come among us and, for
personal gain, lead us astray. The Islamic 'Bible' and the
Nation of Islam must go"
In 1955, the FBI described the Nation of Islam as an "Especially
Violent and Anti-American Cult". Its publication contained the
quote, "Of all the governments in the world, there has never existed
one so wicked as America, which has misled the holy people of
Allah.". The FBI internal bulletin found that the Nation of Islam
presents "...a threat to the National Security of the United
The Nation of Islam murdered "infidels" who left the movement or
criticized Elijah Muhammad. Some were stunningly brutal, the murder
of an entire family in Philadelphia, including drowning two
infants<. But the worst was yet to come. Unlike the Son of Sam or
the Zodiac killer, the
Zebra Murders ,
which took place in San Francisco in 1973 have been generally
forgotten... because they are politically incorrect.
The full
number of those murdered by the "Death Angels" of the Nation of
Islam may never be known. Estimates range anywhere from 71 to over
200. Those targeted were children as young as 11 year old Michele
Denise Carrasco and as old as 81-year-old janitor Ilario Bertuccio.
Salvation Army cadets, college students, a retired coast
guardsman. The victims were shot, mutilated, raped or decapitated.
Some were so badly mutilated that their identities have never been
learned.The killers were Nation of Islam members and in some cases
used NOI businesses to carry out their atrocities. Their
defense was paid for by the Nation of Islam. The horrifying
crimes had been committed because the Black Muslim perpetrators
believed that murder was their "ticket to heaven".
The Zebra
Murders were the worst acts of Muslim terrorism perpetrated on US
soil, until September 11, 2001. Like virtually every Muslim
atrocity, they have been swept under the rug, their memory scrubbed
away and banished to the dusty archives. Because it is much easier
to claim that Muslims began murdering Americans in 1968 because they
were angry over Israel-- than to admit the ugly and unpleasant
truth. That Islamism, is not any fundamentally different than
Communism or Nazism. It is an ideology which calls for world
conquest and the absolute dominion of its leaders.
Let us
step back then before 1973, before 1968, before even 1955 and 1932.
All the way back to 1786. When
Muslim pirates were preying on American ships,
Jefferson and John Adams met with Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja,
the ambassador to Tripoli, to try and understand what his
justification for these attacks was, the ambassador replied that,
"It was written in the Koran, that all Nations who should not have
acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right
and duty to make war upon whoever they could find and to make Slaves
of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who
should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise."
35 Americans died in the Barbary Wars, long before LBJ, RFK or
Theodore Herzl were even born.
The justification of an 18th
century Muslim ambassador for his piracy against the United States
shares a common theme with the Zebra Murders taking place on
American soil, nearly two centuries later. The Islamic Supremacism
which insists that Muslims have the right to kill those who are not
their kind, for reasons or religion or race, and that those who
commit the murders will have a ticket to heaven. It also forms the
common denominator with the ideologies of Muslim terrorist groups of
the present day.
Apologists for Islam focus on the practical
motivations behind Islamic atrocities. The Barbary pirates wanted
slaves and money. The Death Angels enjoyed rape and torture. Hamas
and Al Queda want to rule over different countries. But they are
united by the common denominator that Islamic teachings served to
dehumanize their enemies and turn them into subhumans. And that is,
and has always been the problem. The idea that others are subhuman,
and that you can therefore enslave them, kill them and abuse them
justifies any number of crimes of opportunity. This goes back to
Mohammed and his followers, who embarked on epic sprees of murder,
slavery, rape and robbery because they were doing the "Will of
Allah", and those who hadn't gotten on board with Islam, were
enemies and infidels.

In the 1930's, European countries tried to deal with Nazi Germany
through appeasement, by ignoring the realities of Nazi ideology, and
instead treating it as a symptom of economic and political
grievances. The result was that Nazi power grew, and so did their
atrocities. They went from street violence and a few murders, to
conquest, war and genocide. Like the Barbary Pirates and the Death
Angels and Hamas-- the Nazis had practical motivations for their
crimes. Some of them wanted loot. Some enjoyed torture and murder.
But they had the same justification-- that everything they did was
correct and even praiseworthy, because their victims were subhuman
Most murderous ideologies will harness some sort of
popular grievance and appeal to their follower's baser desires to
kill and plunder. But to ignore the actual ideology, is a dangerous
form of denial. To try and appease it is even worse.
did not begin murdering Americans in 1968 because they were angry
about Israel. They were murdering
Americans in 1929, because they were angry at Jews. They were
murdering Americans in 1909, because they were angry at
Christians. In 1973 they were murdering Salvation Army cadets,
homeless people and a teenager who was bringing a teddy bear to his
little sister, because they were angry at Americans. In 1955, it was
because the Americans were there with a peacekeeping force to
prevent them from slaughtering Christians in Beirut. In 1786, they
were killing Americans.. because they were just there.
is the ugly bottom line. Islam justifies the murder of non-Muslims.
It says that their property may be taken and their wives raped-- if
they don't submit to Islam. The Koran states that Allah is the enemy
of infidels. It states that Jihad is mandatory for all Muslims. It
promises paradise for those who join in. The non-Muslim has a choice
of either submitting to their rule, and becoming a Dhimmi, a second
class citizen-- or being an infidel and a target for anything a
Muslim cares to do to him or her.
Americans are targets
because they are non-Muslims. That is why Obama emphasized in his
Cairo speech that America is a Muslim country. That is why Russia
joined the OIC. Both are ways of saying, "Don't attack us, we're one
of you." But why does that need to be said? It needs to be said,
because Islam places Muslims and non-Muslims in different
categories. Because it assigns different categories to Muslim and
non-Muslim countries. In Islam, there is the Dar Al Islam (The
Muslim Realm) and the Dar Al Harb (The Realm of the Sword). A
country that is not Muslim, is not in the process of becoming
Muslim, and does not have a treaty or truce with whatever a given
Muslim faction considers to be real Islam-- is part of the Dar Al
Harb, to be made war on, conquered and subjugated.

Why do Muslims murder Americans? Because they're not Muslims. And
even when they're Muslims, it's because they're not the right kind
of Muslim. Because Americans have things they want. Because America
occasionally interferes with their goal of recreating a Caliphate.
Because American power is an implicit insult to Islamic Supremacism,
which demands that non-Muslims cannot have more power or taller
buildings than Muslims. But in the end as always, Americans are a
target because they are non-Muslims, which makes them inferior,
deprives them of equal rights in Islam jurisprudence and renders
them subhuman.
Had America never allied with any non-Muslim
country or Muslim country, that Muslims have a grievance with--
Americans would still be murdered. Because as long as an ideology
embraces both violence and the dehumanization of those outside the
ideology-- murder is inevitable. This did not begin in 1965. It
began in 610. And it's not over yet.