By Gina Miller

Federal brand ammunition sold at Wal-Mart
Thanks to WND’s Chelsea Schilling’s on-top-of-it reporting, I am now wondering what the deal is. The news exploded across the Internet this past weekend that Walmart was no longer going to be selling ammunition, because of the potential for lawless executive orders from the criminal fraud in the White House which will target our God-given rights as declared by the Second Amendment.
It caused massive outrage. The last thing American patriots want to see is more of the sickening caving and bowing by American businesses to Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) and his hideously wrong dictates. But, it seems the public’s outrage may be premature, or it could be that the outrage outweighed Walmart’s fear of Comrade Obama.
Either way, according to Chelsea Schilling’s report, a Walmart spokesman denied the charge:
… the retail giant tells WND the reports aren’t true.
“That information is inaccurate,” said Ashley Hardie, a spokeswoman located at Walmart’s corporate headquarters in Bentonville, Ark.
WND then asked whether the retail chain is cutting back on orders of ammunition.
“No,” Hardie said. “We’re continuing to serve our customers as we have in the past.”
She said Walmart’s ammunition sales policy has not changed, even amid talk of gun-control legislation in Washington, D.C.
The uproar began when the InvestmentWatch blog posted a story headlined, “Breaking & confirmed: Walmart is not going to order any more ammo.”
CNS News cited the report, and talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh mentioned it during his Monday show. CNS has since removed the report from its own site.
While this sounds good, it is just one brief statement from a Walmart representative in the face of a number of man-on-the-street reports to the contrary. We certainly hope Walmart is not considering a preemptive cave to Obama’s lawless dictates.
Yes, Obama is lawless, and his phony claim that he wants legislation (even if it’s his own diktat) to crack down on “gun violence” is a smokescreen for his true intention: to disarm law-abiding American gun owners. Anything he tries is unconstitutional. As Publius Huldah writes in her latest column, “Gun Control, the Dick Act of 1902, Bills of Attainder & Ex Post Facto Laws”:
… the 2nd Amendment to our federal Constitution recognizes that this God-given right to keep and bear arms is to be free from any interference WHATSOEVER from the federal government.
… Furthermore, the federal government is nowhere in the Constitution granted authority to restrict, in any fashion whatsoever, guns, ammunition, etc. Thus, ALL laws made by Congress, ALL regulations made by the [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives], are unconstitutional as outside the scope of the powers granted to Congress and to the Executive Branch by our Constitution. Regulation of arms and ammunition is NOT one of the “enumerated powers” delegated to Congress or the Executive Branch.
If Obama truly wanted to reduce gun violence, then he would support and encourage state and local efforts to squash the criminals who are committing the gun violence. Law-abiding Americans are not the ones out raining murderous evil down on their fellow Americans—that would be the criminals, whether they are lawless gang members or otherwise deranged lunatics.
The fact is that we already have laws against murder and assault, and more laws that target guns will not stop criminals from either possessing or misusing guns to commit crimes. Everyone with even a modicum of rational thought knows this. Every sentient American also knows that the goal of the communist Left is to disarm law-abiding American citizens, and it is a scary day in which we currently find ourselves, with our post-communist-coup federal government poised to realize its utopian dreams of a disarmed and subjugated American populace.
Of course, we’ll just see about that, now won’t we? I can already hear readers saying, “Just let them try it.”