The Pathetic,
Sewer-Mouthed Bill Maher
By Gina Miller

Bill Maher (Photo credit: Angela George)
What little I know about Bill Maher is not good. He is a million-dollar-donating fanatic of Barack Obama (or whatever his name is), and he has never met a conservative or Christian he does not deem to savage with baseless, crude insults. And when I read on The Blaze that Maher had ignorantly slammed the late Andy Williams, it occurred to me, yet again, that the vicious, hate-engorged people of the Left have never found a scummy depth to which they will not dive.
How low of mind and spirit do you have to be to resort to slandering a recently-passed, American music icon? Maher is low enough to have posted this message on his Twitter account on Sunday:
Andy Williams Xmas songs: i wish i cld forget i found out near the end of his life he was a teabag idiot. But i can’t so put on Dean Martin.
That tweet was on the heels of another gem from December 6th:
Jim DeMint gone? Sad day for douchebaggery everywhere. Mouthbreathing [a-holes] lost a giant. Ignorant nativist pantswetters: my sympathies.
Oh, the foolish Bill Maher. How desperate he sounds. When it comes to eloquently presenting the merits of his own leftist ideology, he does not attempt intelligent debate; instead, he vomits stupid, obscene insults at conservatives. It is a common behavior of the Left. Since their bankrupt, dead-end socialist schemes have no merits to defend, the next best thing they believe they can do is hurl cancerous hatred at those with whom they disagree. Pure, black-hearted hatred.
While glancing at Maher’s Twitter page, I also noticed he had this to say:
Sometimes good people make you proud – kudos to #HillaryClinton for standing up for elephants, and #BobCostas for standing up against guns
The thinking of the godless people in this world is so far removed from truth, it is staggering to see. Good people? Hillary Clinton? Well, she called for an end to the terrible slaughter of African elephants, and this offsets her otherwise crummy foreign policy track record, how? Defense of poor elephants somehow makes up for her idiot remarks that Israel lacks generosity and empathy for the “Palestinian” ingrate barbarians who bombard tiny Israel with missiles? Really, Bill?
And Bob Costas is a good person for “standing up against guns”? This kind of ignorance is hard to take, and it is harder to swallow that people like the detestable Bill Maher have a hand in influencing the thinking of so many uneducated and mis-educated people in our sound bite-driven nation. It shows how far we have fallen as a country, that so many of our “entertainment celebrities” are now God-loathing, American-tradition-despising lunatics.
Rocker supremus Ted Nugent had some excellent words concerning Bob Costas’ moronic statements that easy access to guns caused an NFL Kansas City Chiefs player to murder his girlfriend then kill himself. In a fine piece posted at Human Events, The Nuge wrote:
If there were a free speech penalty for blundering ignorance, a penalty flag would have been tossed at Mr. Costas.
Just as we shouldn’t blame forks for obesity, pencils for spelling mistakes or water for drowning, trying to blame access to guns for the murder-suicide in Kansas City is chainsaw-juggling, woodchipper-diving bizzaro logic.
That’s how horribly out of touch with reality liberals like Mr. Costas are. Unless backed into a corner where there is no other choice but to admit that an individual is responsible for his or her actions, liberals will refuse to place the blame on the shoulders of the individual who actually committed the crime. In this case, Mr. Costas blamed access to guns for the deaths, not the murdering, suicidal maniac.
Therein lies one of the fundamental problems with America. We have created a culture of rot where excuse-making punks have been conditioned to blame anything and everything on something other than the perpetrator. Apparently, Mr. Costas is one of them.
Don’t tell that to Bill Maher, or he may resort to hypo-intelligent insults against The Nuge!
now Bill Maher decides to take a sewer shot at the
late singer Andy Williams, a man loved by
generations of Americans. Mr. Williams passed away
in late September of this year at the age of 84,
after spending a lifetime making beautiful records
that continue to be enjoyed today. We cannot say the
same for Bill Maher, who, as far as I can tell, has
made nothing of beauty, and instead, extrudes
hideous ugliness.
Bill Maher hates the fact that Mr. Williams, although a friend of the Kennedy family, was a conservative who had the temerity to love his country enough to point out the obvious fact that Barack Obama is a Marxist who wants America to fail. The horror! Now that the Christmas season is here and Mr. Williams’ famous Christmas records are playing on radios across the nation, Bill Maher apparently cannot resist dishing out a purely evil, slanderous insult at the late Mr. Williams, a man whose toilet Bill Maher is not worthy to clean.
In truth, however, as despicable as Bill Maher is, he is to be pitied. What a miserable life the godless must lead! How awful it must it be to live each day with unrelenting hatred for God and for those who love God, freedom, the American ideals of limited government, low taxation and regulation and American sovereignty. How sad he is to be steeped in blind hatred for his perceived enemies—hatred that warps his mind and twists his soul into a deformed chunk of vitriol that thrives on being senselessly vile.
I almost feel sorry for Bill Maher. Almost.
Instead, I think I will put on some of Andy Williams’ lovely Christmas music. After all, he is one of my favorite singers of all time.