Sodomication of the West Signals Bleak Future
By Gina Miller

Homosexual Pride Parade Albany, New York (Photo credit: Tim Schapker)
With the multiple fronts of assault on our nation by the current astoundingly corrupt administration in Washington, it is easy to be overwhelmed at the number of our battles. Focusing on a single area of attack at the exclusion of other important areas can be a challenge. One of the big areas of assault is on the social front, in the radical homosexual campaign, which is an area that has seen a manifold increase in aggression and expansion since Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) was installed in our presidency. This does not bode well for the future of our society.
The campaign to legitimize the various manifestations of this aberrant behavior has grown to a fever pitch. Members of the media and Hollywood are firmly on the side of the radical homosexual activists, and they have successfully managed to craft public perception of a belief that homosexuals represent a much larger percentage of the population than they really do.
In a column at The Atlantic, Garance Franke-Ruta reports on Gallup polling that shows, on average, Americans believe that about 25% of the population is homosexual, when the true number is around 2%. This gross disparity between truth and false perception can certainly be partly attributed to the flooding of our “entertainment” industry with homosexual characters and storylines and the inordinate reporting on homosexual celebrities in the media.
Gallup also reported that the highest percentages guessed were by women and young people. That fact is no doubt also partly a result of the radical homosexual campaign to indoctrinate kids in our government-run public schools to accept homosexuality as “normal” and equal to heterosexuality.
This false perception of a grossly inflated number of homosexuals in our society is certainly a victory for the radical homosexual movement. If people perceive something to be more pervasive than it actually is, then they might be more amenable to accepting such things as same-sex “marriage” and other expanded “rights” for homosexuals. If that is not a potential goal of the campaign to create a larger-than-life perception of the homosexual population, then I do not know what is.
Another part of the radical homosexual campaign is the attack on marriage with the end-result being the disintegration of the family unit, the bedrock of society throughout history. Even Obama has come out on the dead-wrong side of this issue by saying he thinks people of the same sex should be able to “marry.”
Our world is sick and getting sicker by the day. This week the radical leftist 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in California announced it will not review the ruling by a three-judge panel of the same court that struck downCalifornia’s voter-approved Constitutional amendment correctly defining marriage. Supporters of true marriage have said they will now appeal to the US Supreme Court.
We are seeing another front opening up in this battle against truth, reason and morality; it is in the move to discourage, or even outlaw, therapy that helps people escape the clutches of homosexual addiction. Recently, the British Association for Counseling and Psychotherapy (BACP) stripped a Christian psychotherapist, Leslie Pilkington, of her senior accredited status after she was the target of a sting operation by a radical homosexual. He pretended that he wanted to be free of his same-sex attraction with the help of her Christian counseling, so she obliged him, and then he reported her to the BACP.
Quite sickening was the response by the BACP, as reported by One News Now,
“The BACP calls Pilkington’s work to help homosexuals ‘reckless,’ ‘disrespectful,’ ‘dogmatic’ and ‘unprofessional,’ as the guidelines issued by professional associations force psychotherapists to ‘affirm’ homosexuality, even if the client does not.”
This is not simply some freakish, isolated trend in godless psychotherapy organizations way across the Atlantic Ocean. The same thing is happening here in the United States. The predominantly insane Democrat leadership of the State of California has decided to take up legislation that would outlaw therapy to help kids under the age of 18 to get free from homosexual addiction. The legislation passed the California Senate last week, and now faces the Assembly, then Governor Jerry Brown. If the bill makes it to his desk, and he signs it,California will be the first state in the nation to ban this kind of help for those vulnerable young people afflicted with homosexual desires.
The radical homosexual activists are vehemently opposed to anything that suggests homosexuality is not an innate characteristic. They despise people who have escaped the iron grip of homosexuality and have gone on to live normal lives. It is not in the interest of their perverse movement to tolerate people who help homosexuals to be free of homosexuality. If this becomes law in California, we will surely see efforts to push this evil nonsense in other states, as well.
This is also a serious issue because it reaches to the heart of religious freedom. Christian counselors and ex-homosexual ministries are the true targets of this bad legislation. Do not doubt it. As I have said before, our freedom of religion and the radical homosexual movement cannot coexist.
The entire radical homosexual agenda, if allowed to fully metastasize in our nation, portends very bad things for our future. Regardless of warped public perception or how “mainstream” homosexuality becomes, the truth of what it is will never change. God’s position on homosexuality is crystal clear. He considers it an abomination of his design for human sexuality. It is an unhealthy, unnatural and immoral behavior, and that will forever be the case.
If the United States and the West fully embrace
homosexuality with open arms, we will not escape the
dire consequences. Those consequences, at the very
least, will be an ever-increasingly degenerate and
lawless society, and at worst, full-scale, physical
destruction. Do not imagine for a minute that we are
not in danger of the same kind of
judgment of the Lord that fell on Sodom and Gomorrah.
God is not mocked, and those who choose to
aggressively flaunt His pure law and established
natural order will one day taste the awful fruit of
the terrible choice they made to spit in the Lord’s