Sex-Selection and Race-Based Abortions Targeted by House Bill
By Gina Miller
We have heard of the horrors imposed on the people of China—women who have been forced to have abortions due to China’s demented and barbaric “one-child policy.” Due to that sick mandate, enacted in the late 1970s, a disproportionately large male population has resulted, because Chinese parents have selectively aborted baby girls in the hopes of having a son instead.
Back in 2004, China banned sex-selection abortions, and according to current legislation pending in the U.S. House of Representatives,China is enforcing the ban. India and the United Kingdom have also banned sex and race-based abortions, and the United Nations favors such a ban, according to this same legislation.
Amazingly enough, right here in the United States, sex-selection and race-based abortions are perfectly “legal,” except in Arizona, where, earlier this year, Governor Jan Brewer signed into law a ban on sex and raced-based abortions. Now, a tenacious congressman from Arizona has reintroduced legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives that would prohibit sex-selection and race-based abortions.
Arizona Republican Rep. Trent Franks has reintroduced the “Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act,” or PRENDA, which he originally drafted back in 2009 and which was rejected at the time. The legislation would prohibit discrimination against the unborn on the basis of race or sex—you know, just like the freedom from discrimination each of us already enjoys here in America—at least those of us who have been blessed enough to have escaped alive from the birth canal.

The Danshan, Sichuan province Nonguang Village
Village Public Affairs Bulletin Board listed the
names of all the women who had given birth
recently and whether or not the birth was
outside the plan. This bulletin boards notes
that RMB 25,000 in "social compensation fee"
family planning fines were owed in 2005. (Photo
credit: David Cowhig)
From the text of the legislation concerning sex-selection abortions,
“Women are a vital part of American society and culture and possess the same fundamental human rights and civil rights as men.
United States law prohibits the dissimilar treatment for males and females who are similarly situated and prohibits sex discrimination in various contexts, including the provision of employment, education, housing, health insurance coverage, and athletics.
Sex is an immutable characteristic, and is ascertainable at the earliest stages of human development through existing medical technology and procedures commonly in use…
Experts have demonstrated that the sex-selection industry is on the rise and predict that it will continue to be a growing trend in the United States. Sex determination is always a necessary step to the procurement of a sex-selection abortion.
A `sex-selection abortion’ is an abortion undertaken for purposes of eliminating an unborn child of an undesired sex. Sex-selection abortion is barbaric, and described by scholars and civil rights advocates as an act of sex-based or gender-based violence, predicated on sex discrimination. By definition, sex-selection abortions do not implicate the health of the mother of the unborn, but instead are elective procedures motivated by sex or gender bias.”
Similar points are made in regard to race-based abortions,
“Minorities are a vital part of American society and culture and possess the same fundamental human rights and civil rights as the majority.
United Sates law prohibits the dissimilar treatment of persons of different races who are similarly situated. United States law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race in various contexts, including the provision of employment, education, housing, health insurance coverage, and athletics.
A `race-selection abortion’ is an abortion performed for purposes of eliminating an unborn child because the child or a parent of the child is of an undesired race. Race-selection abortion is barbaric, and described by civil rights advocates as an act of race-based violence, predicated on race discrimination. By definition, race-selection abortions do not implicate the health of mother of the unborn, but instead are elective procedures motivated by race bias.
Race-selection abortions have the effect of diminishing the number of minorities in the American population and therefore, the American electorate.
Race-selection abortion reinforces racial discrimination and has no place in a civilized society.”
The legislation prescribes penalties for abortioners who would provide such an abortion or anyone who would coerce a girl or woman to have such an abortion, but it does not penalize the girl or woman for attempting to have such an abortion as is seen in the text of the legislation,
“In General- Whoever knowingly–
(1) performs an abortion knowing that such abortion is sought based on the sex, gender, color or race of the child, or the race of a parent of that child;
(2) uses force or the threat of force to intentionally injure or intimidate any person for the purpose of coercing a sex-selection or race-selection abortion; or
(3) solicits or accepts funds for the purpose of financing a sex-selection abortion or a race-selection abortion;
or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.
… (e) Exception- A woman upon whom a sex-selection or race-selection abortion is performed may not be prosecuted or held civilly liable for any violation of this section, or for a conspiracy to violate this section.”
This legislation would require the reporting of such an abortion to law enforcement authorities.
Naturally, the pro-abort crowd is firmly against this common-sense proposal. At least one writer claims that such abortions are not an issue in America. James King, a blogger writing in the Phoenix New Times, says that the problem of such abortions is “non-existent.” To prove” this point, he cites a Planned Parenthood representative,
“Earlier this year, when the far-right-wingers in the Arizona Legislature were ironing out the details of the state’s new race/gender-based abortion law, we spoke to Cyndi Cerf, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood, to see if there was any need for the new law.
‘There is no indication that this is even an issue,’ she told New Times.
Cerf, rather, feels that the bill ‘is just to further damage the reputations of women who get an abortion.’”

A family planning event in China outside Wuchang
Train Station, January 2011 (Photo credit: V
So, that’s the pro-abort gang’s position: this is nothing more than a right-wing attempt to hurt women. How typical of them. They can’t possibly fathom that conservatives actually care deeply for women who consider abortion. Conservatives do care for the girls and women who suffer all manner of physical, emotional and spiritual harm from abortions, but we also care for the tiny babies who are on the chopping block inside the hell hole abortion mills. The pro-aborts are so blinded by their murderous ideology toward pre-born babies that they mindlessly put aside the civil rights they otherwise loudly demand for women and minorities.
Though perhaps not on an epidemic scale such as seen in China and elsewhere, sex and race-based abortions do occur in the United States.
Life News quoted Rep. Franks as saying,
“’Sex-selection abortion is happening in the United States. A study published in the April 2008 Journal of the National Academy of Sciences shows through U.S. Census data that certain segments of the U.S. population – particularly those coming from countries that practice sex-selection abortion – have unnaturally skewed sex-ratios at birth caused by sex-selection ‘most likely at the prenatal stages,’’ Franks added.
Franks also noted that abortion centers are disproportionately placed in African-American communities and he pointed out that Planned Parenthood has come under fire for accepting donations from people claiming to want the abortion business to target blacks.
‘Following the unearthing of the nation-wide race-targeted abortion donations, civil rights activists and African-American pastors from across the country protested government acquiescence in race-targeted abortion and the government funding of clinics that they believe are purposefully placed in the inner city and targeted to minority women,’ he said.”
Yes, these types of abortions most certainly do happen in the United States, and it is high time that we caught up to the rest of the world in banning such barbaric practices. All abortions are barbaric and should be outlawed, but here is one step in the right direction.
Congressman Franks should have our support, because he is doing a world of good by standing firmly and not giving up on this legislation. Our congressmen need to hear from us on this. This should be the law of the land.
Gina Miller, a native of Texas, is a radio commentator. She also works with her husband installing and repairing residential irrigation systems and doing landscaping on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.