Sandusky, the Homosexual Pedophile Monster
The astonishing news in the past couple of weeks out of State College, Pennsylvania has left America reeling. It is bad enough that a monster like former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky would do the atrocious things he reportedly did to at least 8 boys, but what makes it even worse is that it appears a massive cover-up allowed him to continue his detestable treatment of those poor kids who were under his “care.”
Sandusky is charged with 40 criminal counts, 21 of them felonies, relating to sexual assault on at least 8 boys, some possibly as young as 7 or 8 years old, according to the Grand Jury presentation. Sandusky was released on $100,000 bail by a woman judge who has ties as a volunteer and donor toSandusky’s Second Mile charity foundation for troubled kids, through which he chose his victims.
There is nothing but wickedness throughout this story, and when I read the 23-page Centre County Pennsylvania Grand Jury Presentation, I was sickened, not only by Sandusky’s actions, but also by the fact that he was taking advantage of little boys through his access to them in his Second Mile charity foundation. These are boys who already had strikes against them, having been labeled as “troubled” kids, most of them from broken or dysfunctional families.

The butterfly logo is constructed out of four
hearts: a big blue for man, a big pink for
woman, a small blue for boy, a small pink for
girl. The butterfly logo is used by pedophile
organizations all over the world. (Credit:
Norbert de Jonge)
My heart aches for those kids who Sandusky lavished with gifts, money and outings to sporting events and other “fun” things. The boys were initially happy to get to go to the football games, practices, dinners and trips, but they did not know the terrible price they would pay for those treats. The Grand Jury presentation is filled with the obscene details, and it is almost unimaginable that an adult would do such things to little children.
Throughout this whole ordeal, in which new, astounding details continue to emerge, I keep thinking of the words of Jesus recorded in the Gospels. As written in Matthew 18,
“At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’
And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, and said, ‘Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.
‘But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!”
Jerry Sandusky is a man to whom that bit of Scripture directly applies.
Bryan Fischer, who is a radio host for the American Family Radio’s daily “Focal Point” program, wrote a hard-hitting piece on Sandusky that was published on Saturday at the Renew America website. In part, Mr. Fischer wrote,
“Jerry Sandusky faces 450 years in prison but deserves to die.
Sandusky is the former assistant coach at Penn State who has been charged with the sexual molestation of at least eight boys, some as young as age 10. Later accounts indicate that the toll may now be as high as 20, and that number is likely to grow as more details of this sordid affair come to light.
Despicably, Sandusky had access to these young boys through his charitable work with at-risk youth, a horrid abuse of trust and power.
… Sandusky was not reported to law enforcement authorities, as required by law, but instead, according to numerous press accounts, was allowed to resign in exchange for Penn State’s silence.
Now stories are circulating that Sandusky may have pimped out his young charges at The Second Mile foundation to high rolling Penn State donors, a story which, if true, will consign any number of people to one of the lowest circles in hell.”
This is nearly beyond comprehension. We have yet to hear any further information regarding the pimping rumors, but we do know thatSandusky’s behavior was not reported to law enforcement authorities, and two Penn State officials have been charged with failing to alert police of the complaints against Sandusky. And, as you know, Head Coach Joe Paterno and Penn State President Graham Spanier were both fired. Both of them had prior knowledge of the complaints against Sandusky.
Penn State’s Athletic Director Tim Curley and Senior Vice President for Business and Finance Gary Schultz were both told by a graduate assistant that he witnessed Sandusky raping a little boy in one of the football building shower rooms on campus, but both Curley and Schultz denied having this knowledge when they testified before the Grand Jury during its 18-month investigation. Instead of telling the truth, they chose to downplay the incident asSandusky“horsing around” with the child in the shower. They lied to protect themselves, but in this case, their lies did not succeed. The Grand Jury states that these two men provided “materially false statements under oath in an official proceeding.”
Lying under oath, covering up child rape—what would make these men, as well as Joe Paterno and others, deliberately bury these awful actions of Sandusky? Is the reputation of Penn State and the football program more important than the lives and spirits of all these little boys? In no way is it, but apparently the power of the forces of college football were stronger than any desire these people may have had to do the right thing and put a stop to the homosexual pedophile monster Jerry Sandusky.
In his column, Bryan Fischer makes the point that all the attention that is being given to Coach Paterno and the others is an attempt to distract from the homosexual aspect of Sandusky’s hellish behavior.
“The press has focused largely on Paterno and others in the Penn State hierarchy who covered up Sandusky’s pedophilia, some of whom even committed perjury to keep his dark and dirty secret from being exposed.
But perhaps some of that press focus is diversionary, to direct the attention of the public away from one of the darkest pathologies associated with homosexual behavior: homosexuals molest children at ten times the rate of heterosexuals.
Homosexual activists will of course lamely argue that since Sandusky is married, he is not a homosexual. Fine, call him bisexual if you will. But his sex crimes are same-sex crimes, and 10-year old boys whose bodies have been cruelly invaded could [not] care less what label homosexual activists want to slap on their abuser.
A study of 229 convicted child molesters in Archives of Sexual Behavior found that 86 percent of offenders against males ‘described themselves as homosexual or bisexual.’ Despite comprising about three percent of the population, homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of all sex offenses against children.”
Yes, Sandusky is one of the worst of the worst. When I consider the unnatural and barbaric nature of his treatment of all those little boys, I continue to be outraged that groups such as the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) are allowed to exist in our nation. NAMBLA is described on the Metapedia website as,
“… a pedophile and homosexual criminal cabal located in the United States, that lobbies to abolish laws which protect children from sexual abuse at the hands of perverts. It also wants the pedophile criminals who have been caught and put in prison for sexually abusing children to be released.”
Who could have imagined even a generation ago that we here in America would ever allow such degenerate vegetables to come out of their sick shadows and actually lobby for this kind of wickedness? Those pedophile deviants deserve no less scorn for their dark and diseased minds than does Sandusky, because they support the very things Sandusky is accused of doing.
This awful story is far from over, and in fact, it may never be over for the victims. The terrible effects of childhood sexual abuse remain throughout the lives of those people who have been victims of adult sex predators, although there is emotional and spiritual healing available through the Lord if any of them takes hold of Him. We have no way of knowing how many boys were sexually assaulted by Jerry Sandusky, but I have no doubt it is a much larger number than will ever be officially known.
As hidden truths are uncovered, it is likely that more people will be implicated in this horrendous cover-up. What about Sandusky’s wife and his six adopted children? Did they have a clue? Many of the sex abuse instances are reported to have occurred in the Sandusky home. Sandusky has been married to the same woman since the mid-1960s, and she would have to be one oblivious lady not to have known of her husband’s evil proclivities, but I suppose it is not out of the realm of possibility that she was unaware. After all, we often do not see what we do not want to see.
Regardless of who knew what and when, ultimately, the law will deal with Jerry Sandusky, and hopefully he will be stopped from preying on children by being locked up for the rest of his unnatural life.
Gina Miller, a native of Texas, is a radio commentator. She also works with her husband installing and repairing residential irrigation systems and doing landscaping on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.