Sadly, Grand
Intentions have Delivered Disastrous Results
By JB William
The 2010 mid-term elections were supposed to be a big success story for the constitutional conservative movement across the country. Millions of constitutionally grounded Americans got up off the couch and got involved in trying to save their nation from a leftist juggernaut hell-bent upon driving the nation off a cliff. They had the very best of intentions…but what actually happened?
They protested
They petitioned
They rallied
They emailed
They blogged
They networked
They spent money they didn’t have
They put important parts of their lives on hold
Some even engaged in the right tangible strategies, but in the wrong way
At the end of the day, they failed to advance the most constitutionally conservative candidates in primaries all across the country and failed to seize control of their local government at the precinct level, with rare exception.
In race after race across the country, patriot groups put forth their idea of a constitutional candidate. In the end, they stayed with their guy and failed to unify with others behind one constitutional candidate, leaving the door wide open for the least attractive candidates.
As a result, they will face a lesser evil option again in the general elections, more so than before they attempted to make a difference. I love their heart, their energy and their intentions. But their structure and strategy was disastrous. While we may indeed end up with more R’s than D’s come November, we did not advance enough constitutional conservatives in the primaries to end up with a constitutional congress and a lame duck resident of the White House.
The citizen patriot groups have proudly proclaimed for two years that they have no leaders, no structure, no cohesive strategies and no organization. Not only was this foolish, it is not true.
They had lots of leaders - all leading in opposite directions. Their structure was an unworkable structure, working at odds with itself. Their strategies were not real strategies at all. They were empty wishes and mock initiatives.
The national organizations did not focus on returning power to the people. They focused only upon raising funds from the people, empowering the power-brokers atop the organizations, not the people funding their organizations. The money flowed right back to the same party apparatus that the people stopped directly funding years ago.
These are all things that I have predicted and warned against for two years now. I don’t have to predict anymore, because the fruit is now on the tree.
In stark contrast, where our strategies have been carried out 100%, they have succeeded 100% - Where groups have tried to go it alone, they have failed 100%. A 10% victory is still a loss folks!
Thousands embraced our precinct strategies across America. But they came in, learned 10% of our strategy - returned to their individual groups and employed what they had learned and ended up with 10% of the desired result. Once people learned what a precinct was, why they should want to be an executive and how to become one, they could indeed go get a precinct chair all by themselves.
But that is the last thing they will ever be able to do all by themselves…
If they are not in direct contact with others who also hold precinct power, in their county, their state and their country, they are powerless with their one precinct chair. They can attend meetings but they cannot force change.
If they agree to help vet candidates and then fail to unite behind that candidate when it really counts, they have failed to carry out the mission. There is no shortage of ideas within the patriot movement. In fact, there are way too many ideas floating around the movement.
The movement suffers from lack of unity, focus and follow-through. Electing Scott Brown was easy. But making him vote for those who elected him after the election -- not so much. There was no follow-through after the election and no plan for a follow-through.
The intention was to dramatically alter the political landscape in 2010. At best, we have achieved only 10% of that stated goal. That’s because at best, we employed only 10% of any strategy, and we attempted to do it without leaders, without structure, without unity and without focus or follow-through.
We hold our Founding Fathers in high esteem today and with good reason as men like Washington, Jefferson and Adams were indeed great leaders. But none of them could have given birth to the greatest nation on earth by themselves. They came together, in one place, at one time, with one goal in mind and they stayed focused until that goal was accomplished.
Today’s great Americans will have no choice but to do the same and it is on that basis that The United States Patriots Union has been formed.
Since September 2009 when we launched an exploratory organization designed to bring thousands of Tea Party and 912 operations together in tangible strategies, we have learned that these groups cannot be brought together as they currently exist. They are thousands of fractured groups. They do not want to come together. They want to run their own show, impotent little fish in a big pond in the grand scheme of things – but big fish in their little local ponds.
The problem with that structure can be summed up in one sentence – My Tea Party is better than your Tea Party - you can join mine, but I won’t join yours!
Had our Founding Fathers felt the same way, our nation would have never been born.
The disastrous outcome of the 2010 mid-terms is already cast. Despite good intentions, the strategies, structure, unity and follow-through did not exist in the primaries and therefore, they cannot exist in the general election. The intended outcome is at odds with the actual outcome.
Those who can now see the fruit on that tree must adjust their thinking on the fly and get engaged in the right things, the right way, with the right folks, or the outcome in 2012 will be the same.
Fractured efforts will always deliver fractured results. Half-right is still half-wrong. The United States Patriots Union is designed to bring the right folks together in the right strategies - in an organized, tangible and purposeful way.
We don’t need more ideas. We need strong
leadership, viable strategies, unified efforts, focus and follow-through.
Anything less will fail…again!