The Obama Administration may have abandoned the space program and the
search for life on other planets, but it is determinedly searching for
moderate Islamic terrorists all across this planet. So far it has tried
to identify "Moderate Taliban" (these would be Taliban who only chop off
your feet, not your head) and "Moderate Hizbullah" (who only support
bombing Ashkelon but not Haifa). It has yet to get around to trying to
locate any "Moderate Al Queda", but we have to assume that's next on
their shopping list.

If the same people running foreign policy in the US and Europe had been
in charge in 1941, when Rudolf Hess, the third in the line of succession
after Hitler and Goring, flew to the UK with a peace offer-- Hess would
have been wined and dined, and the Allies would have prematurely
aborted the war in joy at having finally discovered a "Moderate Nazi."
Instead Churchill churlishly had Hess thrown into the Tower of London,
where he stayed until Germany was defeated and he could be put on trial
at Nuremberg.
Of course if we overlay the present on the past,
it's easy enough to imagine the ACLU rushing to offer pro bono legal
counsel to Rudolf Hess, the New York Times running a series of stories
planted by PR companies working for Nazi Germany detailing his plight in
the Tower, and demanding that he be given his day in court, and George
Clooney making a movie in which he plays Hess' lawyer. Of course all
this actually did happen. Except Hess was named Hamdan, and he was Osama
bin Laden's bodyguard and chauffeur. And yes George Clooney will play
his lawyer.
The difference is that by 1941 there were a shortage
of people who still had a weakness for Nazis. Years of brutal war had
changed that. And today there is still no shortage of those in the
media, Hollywood and of course holding down the polished wooden desks at
the State Department and the Foreign Office who have a weakness for
Islamic terrorists. And that "weakness" is a prerequisite for the
pursuit of the moderate Islamic terrorist.
To understand why
that's so, let's examine the logic behind the Great Moderate Terrorist
Caper. What is a moderate Islamic terrorist? Boiled down to basics, it's
a terrorist who's willing to sit down and negotiate with us. Which means
that the only difference between an "Extremist" and a "Moderate" is that
the extremist wants to cut our head off without talking to us, while the
moderate wants to tell us exactly why he wants to cut our head off, and
how many heads we can give him to satisfy his bloodlust.
take at Hamas and Fatah in Israel. Both are terrorist groups with social
welfare arms for their followers. Both teach children that becoming a
suicide bomber will get them into paradise. Both are covered with the
blood of the people they murdered. Both oppress even their own people,
and murder anyone who crosses them. But the State Department insists
that Fatah is a peace partner and Hamas is a terrorist group. What's the
difference between them? Hamas refuses to negotiate any kind of peace
plan. Fatah is willing to negotiate a peace plan in bad faith. That is
why Fatah gets billions of dollars from the US, and Hamas has to make do
with whatever Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, George Galloway, Cindy Sheehan and
the good people at Code Pink can smuggle to them.

Naturally the Obama Administration has also been in the market for
"Moderate Hamas" terrorists to negotiate with, but despite Robert
Malley's best efforts, none have yet turned up. Even the prospects for a
"Moderate Taliban" don't look good. That may be because our only
criteria for "Moderate Taliban" is not based on their respect for human
rights or not murdering our soldiers-- but on their willingness to sit
down at a table with us and accept our concessions. Now think about the
national self-image of the people who think this way and you'll see the
source of their "weakness".
Churchill wasn't interested in what
Hess had to say, because he knew that England was in the right, and Nazi
Germany was in the wrong. Obama and his people are deeply interested in
what the Taliban and Hezbollah have to say because they're not sure of
any such thing at all. Their mindset is still stuck in 1933. They're
still busy apologizing for everything America did wrong-- to people who
think nothing of murdering their own daughters over a text phone
message. It's as if Chamberlain were still in power in 1941 and was busy
apologizing for causing Germany's economic problems, while London was
burning around him.
Chamberlain was unfit to govern because he
did not see his nation as good, and Nazi Germany as evil. By contrast
Churchill was fit to take his place because he saw it exactly that way.
Obama and those who work for him not only don't share Churchill's view,
they don't even share Chamberlain's. They don't merely suffer from moral
equivalence, they actually believe that our enemies have a just
grievance against us, while we are experiencing blowback from our
foreign policy-- and need to shut up about it and make our peace with
the terrorists. And people who see it this way, whether it's Barack
Hussein Obama or Nick Clegg or Jean-Marie Le Pen or Rand Paul, are
completely unfit to govern in wartime.
That is the heart of the
"weakness" that we have been talking about. A corruption of the spirit.
In the logic of appeasement, all Islamic terrorists have a valid
grievance against us. They engage in violence against us because of
their grievance. If we can only meet with those moderate terrorists who
are willing to listen to us, and work with them to resolve that
grievance, the extreme terrorists who refuse to listen to us will be
marginalized, and peace will prevail. Call it madness or treason, this
is exactly what they believe. And work to implement.
There are numerous examples to show that this doesn't work. If nothing
else, seventeen bloody years in Israel have demonstrated that. But the
Obama Administration is determined to follow its sympathies, which are
ever hostile to America and its interests, and friendly to those who
would destroy us. And so they go on praying for a moderate terrorist. A
terrorist who will put on a suit and tie, shake their hands for the
camera, accept their concessions and usher in a reign of hell on earth.
What kind of people pray for a moderate terrorist? The kind who let
a mosque be built within sight of Ground Zero. Whose preferred form of
American history is a list of wrongs that we committed against everyone.
Who believe in a reverse form of American exceptionalism, that we are
exceptionally bad, exceptionally evil and an exceptionally awful
country. Who have a context for everything our enemies do to us, and
none for what we do in our own defense. The kind who in not so many
words, believe the terrorists have a point and that we need to work it
out with them.
A moderate Islamic terrorist is most in demand by
people who are looking to surrender. They just wish there was someone
reasonable around for them to surrender to.