Playing the Race Card, Again, and Again, and…
Jim O'Neill
of a multicultural tableau of beaming young idealists on screen, we see ugly
scenes of mostly older and white malcontents, disrupting forums where others
have come to actually learn something. Instead of hope, we get swastikas, death
threats and T-shirts proclaiming “Proud Member of the Mob.”
York Times writer Maureen Dowd describing a town hall meeting
“On an altar of prejudice we crucify our own, yet the blood of all children is the color of God.”—Don E. Williams Jr.
Conservatives seem to catch on pretty quickly to the fact that they are not fascists, but our liberal friends seem to have a hard time wrapping their heads around the concept. So, for their sake—one last time.
At the extreme end of the left-wing are the collectivist ideologies, including fascism. Collectivists believe in building a massive government, and having everything under the government’s control. The whole Nazi grab-bag—concentration camps, swastikas, jackboots, et al., belongs to the left-wing.
At the extreme right of the political spectrum are anarchists, and they don’t build anything. As soon as they see a government—democratic, fascist, whatever—they want to destroy it. It’s what they do. There’s no way in the world that the Far Right could be fascists
So it’s been swell having the Far Left pretend that we are one of them, but they need to take back their swastikas, jackboots, and armbands now—we insist.
As for the Far Left calling the right-wing “racists,” well, that needs to stop too.
Pretty soon the Far Left is going to run out of things to call us. I suppose they’ll have to resort to calling us “commies.” “Lousy right-wing pinkos!”
As I’ve discussed in prior articles, the left-wing during the first half of the 20th century called themselves Progressives, and the Progressives were passionate promoters of the teachings of eugenics. They were especially fond of the eugenic notions of racial “cleansing.”
The Klux Klux Klan of the day was a creature of the Progressive Left—future Democratic President, Harry S. Truman, belonged to the Klux Klux Klan, as did future liberal Supreme Court justice Hugo Black.
The “Jim Crow” South was politically speaking, solidly left-wing. For decades the racially segregated south was a bastion of the left-wing Democratic Party.
The Progressives pushed the concept of a national minimum wage, in order to keep the “inferior” races from competing for jobs better filled by Caucasians, and the modern welfare state was initially started as a government vehicle for racial purification.
Royal Meeker, a left-wing Princeton professor, and advisor to liberal poster-boy President Woodrow Wilson, explains the rationale behind the left-wing’s drive for the minimum wage, planned parenthood, and the welfare state:
“Better that the state should support the Inefficient wholly, and prevent the multiplication of the breed, than subsidize incompetence and unthrift, enabling them to bring forth more of their kind.”
“The inefficient.” Jeeze, Royal Meeker sounds almost as bad as Ezekiel Emmanuel.
In an article in the April 3, 1913 edition of The New York Times, Meeker suggested that America’s children should be subject to “compulsory civil service.” “No private or parochial schools should be permitted to trespass upon the child’s time of preparation for service to the state.”
Some things never change. The left-wing drooling over big government is nothing new, trust me. Nor is their racial bigotry.
Planned Parenthood annually gives out awards called “Maggies,” named after liberal icon Margaret Sanger—considered the “saint” of birth control, and the founder of Planned Parenthood. (I love the Left and their euphemisms—calling planned infanticide, “Planned Parenthood.” Cute).
In her own words, Sanger was not a “fit person for love, or home, or children, or anything which needs attention or consideration.” Wonderful role model for parenting—I can see why Planned Parenthood adores her.
Planned Parenthood should engrave Sanger’s words on the next batch of Maggies they hand out. “Not a fit person for love, or home, or anything which needs attention or consideration.”
Describing what she considered to be the main aim of birth control, Sanger wrote, “More children from the fit, and less from the unfit—that is the chief issue of birth control.” In other words, birth control was used by the Left as a device to limit the population of what they considered “undesirable” elements of society—especially blacks.
Sanger was behind what was called the “Negro Project”—the forerunner of today’s Planned Parenthood. The idea behind the left-wing’s “Negro Project” was to limit, if not eliminate, America’s black population.
Tanya Green writes, “By 1949, Sanger had hoodwinked black America’s best and brightest into believing birth control’s “life-saving benefits.” In a monumental feat, she bewitched virtually an entire network of black social, professional and academic organizations into endorsing Planned Parenthood’s eugenic program.”
You may find Ms. Green’s article of interest—“The Negro Project: Margret Sanger’s Eugenic Plan for Black Americans.”
Sanger didn’t do it alone, of course, the left-wing helped her. The left-wing helped her a lot. Eugenics, after all, was one of the main planks in the Progressive/Democratic platform. Left-wing social engineering at its finest. No wonder Hitler took notes from the American Left.
Although the motivations behind Planned Parenthood may have changed over the years, the results are the same—racial genocide. Look up the figures, and do the math.
It is perhaps because of an unconscious acknowledgement of their own vile racist past, that white liberals are such spineless milquetoasts when it come to black racism.
Which brings us to the current state of racism in America’s left-wing. But before I go there, I want to discuss spirituality a bit—I want to bring God into this.
Each of us is born with a divine spark that, through the exercise of our free will, we either nurture and cultivate, or allow to fade and extinguish.
The Far Left does not believe in a divine light within humanity. All of the texts that they study, memorize, and quote from, are written by atheists.
At best, they practice “religion” in quote marks—religions that are twisted travesties of true spirituality. Religions that don’t teach love, compassion and surrender to God, but teach anger, hatred, and arrogance.
The Far Left ridicules and mocks spirituality, because their own spirits are stagnant and shriveled.
When Divine Justice asks them what they did with the opportunity of life, and the gift of free will, they will have nothing to say, but “I spent my life ignoring You, and grew in avarice, anger, and arrogance.” Their skin color will not be an issue.
Conservatives are God’s people. It is not a case of God being on our side, but of us being on God’s side. We are the ones who give America its heart and soul.
At the top of the Washington Monument—up on the capstone where no one can see it—are engraved the Latin words Laus Deo—“Praise be to God.” The words face the east, so it catches the rays of the morning sun each dawn. These words were not placed there for tourists to view.
I believe that we would do well to engrave in our hearts, in our minds, and in our spirits, the concept of Laus Deo, as we prepare for battle.
So, back to racism in America today. What is the current liberal “take” on racism? Well, things have changed radically, and on the other hand, they haven’t changed at all. The liberals are still racists, but they are now anti-white racists.
This sea-change in liberal thinking has been gradually gaining momentum since the 1950s, until today it is the accepted liberal norm. Liberals view Hispanics, and especially Blacks, as being somehow more entitled, more deserving, and just all around “superior” to Caucasians (and Asians).
There are some blacks who are flat-out Black Supremacists, like Louis Farakhan, Leonard Jeffries, Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright, and other proponents of Black Theology.
(As you’ll recall, Wright was the Obama family’s preacher for twenty years. “The One” claims that he didn’t have a clue that Wright was a black racist. Obama would have us believe that he is some sort of hapless jejune naif, who accidentally keeps stumbling into nefarious characters).
With their signature Byzantine but vapid reasoning, liberals believe that race matters, and since race matters more than individual integrity, ethics, or talent, then race must be the defining trait of an individual’s worth, and since Hispanics and Blacks can’t be bad, then they must be good, and since Caucasians and Asians aren’t Black or Hispanic, they must be bad.
I think it’s a load of rubbish, but it makes sense to liberals—somehow.
Once again, I suggest reading Jonah Goldberg’s “Liberal Fascism,” if you haven’t done so yet. (Goldberg deserves a Pulitzer for his impeccably researched book. Maybe he and Glenn Beck could share the Medal of Freedom that Obama gave to Harvey Milk).
Goldberg writes that, “Positive discrimination forms the backbone of our racial spoils system.”
By “positive discrimination” (don’t you love these terms?) Goldberg means the process whereby certain races (Caucasian, Asian) are kept out of schools and jobs because of preference being given to other races (Blacks, Hispanics)—the “racial spoils system.”
I’ll spare you the wretched reasoning behind identity politics and multiculturalism, and get straight to the point. Goldberg writes, “This welter of nonsense enshrines and empowers a host of collectivist notions that place the state at the center of managing the progress of groups: those who oppose this agenda get clubbed over the head with the charge of racism.”
If you disagree with the liberal agenda you’re a racist—pure and simple.
But surely, if you have no bias against any race, then the liberals will consider you to be non-racist. Right? Well, actually no.
Goldberg notes that, “According to liberals, race neutrality [i.e. not being racist] is itself racist.” It harkens back to the “social Darwinism” of the past, we are told, because it relegates minorities to a savage struggle for the survival of the fittest.”
“Not being racist, is racist”—now that’s emblematic liberal “logic” at its best. For the left-wing it’s “1984” forever.
In other words, Blacks and Hispanics, the poor dears, are incapable of competing with Caucasians and Asians on a level playing field, and consequently need assistance in the form of money and quotas. Nonetheless, Blacks and Hispanics are superior to Caucasians and Asians simply because, well, they’re Black and Hispanic. If you disagree with any of this, then you my friend, are a racist. Got it?
I can’t begin to tell you how absurd I find this whole liberal pile of garbage. It is demeaning and condescending to the Blacks and Hispanics; it is insulting and racist towards Caucasians and Asians, and it is harmful to everybody. It is a pile of vile, poisonous, puerile crapola. This insane nonsense needs to stop now.
Before closing, I want to make something crystal clear. I despise black racists, because they are racists, not because they are black. I abhor black anti-American traitorous scum—not because they are black—but because they are anti-American traitorous scum. My disdain is unbiased, I despise all racists and traitors equally, regardless of race, color, or creed.
I want to make this clear as well. There are a host of patriotic Hispanic and Black Americans who find this insidious liberal drivel, anathema. They detest the liberal lunacy as much as anyone. I salute their patriotism and courage.
In closing, it is the conservative right-wing, with its emphasis on individual responsibility and personal merit, that most closely adheres to Dr. King’s admonition to not judge someone “ the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” It is the right-wing that is largely “color-blind,” and looks at someone’s performance, rather than their race.
The left-wing considers such laudable attitudes to be hopelessly retardataire, and, unbelievably, racist.
It is the Liberal Left, with their emphasis on “multiculturalism,” entitlement, and identity politics, that nurtures and encourages racism. It is the left-wing that views the world through “colored” glasses. It is the left-wing that has historically been racist, and they continue to cultivate and spread their poison.
In one of her articles Pamella Geller writes, “Patriots, be on notice. This is the favorite tactic of the Left. Any criticism of Obama, no matter what about or how legit, will be labeled racism. Tea party? Racist! Opposition to socialism? Racist! Opposition to nationalized healthcare? Racist! Opposition to cap and tax? Racist! When the Left makes everything about race, and sees everything through a prism of “racism,” it shows us who the real racists are.”
next time some left-wing whiner tries to hide behind the skirts of the “race
card,” you tell them where to shove it. Tell them to stick it alongside their
swastika, hammer and sickle, and other leftist gear, because we aren’t buying
their nonsense any more.