By Daniel Greenfield
With all the
political instincts of a suicide bomber, Barack Hussein Obama used a speech
meant to promote a 50 billion dollar stimulus plan, to whine that
Republicans "talk about me like a dog". That moment of unscripted self-pity
during a speech where he was supposed to be projecting empathy for millions
of out of work Americans, showed that once again the only person, Barry
really cares about is himself.
Americans don't talk about Obama like a dog. Unlike Indonesians or his
Kenyan Muslim forefathers, Americans actually like dogs. They don't like
Obama very much anymore. And if in the upcoming elections they are
threatening to whack him across the nose with a newspaper, much like they
would to a dog who insists on making a mess in the front yard, there is no
actual affection in the act. And his Milwaukee speech only serves to remind
them why.
In his appearance at Labor Fest before corrupt Union
bigwigs like
Richard Trumka (involved in
money laundering and violent assaults), whom he made sure to thank by
name, Obama came bearing a 50 billion dollar stimulus plan. A 50 billion
plan full of "bridges to nowhere" to be built by union labor, with the union
bigwigs skimming off the top and passing along a percentage of the vigorish
to the White House and the Democrats. This is crime, old fashioned style.
And Americans might be able to forgive it, if they weren't already on the
hock for the bailouts of automakers to benefit the UAW, the Wall Street
bailouts to benefit banks, the ObamaCare takeover to benefit the SEIU and
now another phase of the spending spree to
benefit the AFL-CIO.
It would just be cheaper to cut every union
member a 100,000 dollar check, than to have any more bailouts. But naturally
Obama disagrees. Because the prime purpose of unions is to harvest money and
votes for the Democratic party. And a major objective of Obama's war on the
economy has been to turn private sector jobs into government jobs and union
jobs. Obama and his congressional colleagues aren't looking to fix
unemployment, they're looking for a piece of the action. And long after
Americans have gotten sick of his bailouts and stimulus plans, there he
comes again with yet another plan to put more money in his campaign war
chest at taxpayer expense.
Under Obama, the US National Debt
is now larger than all the available money in the world. What that means
is that Barry and his colleagues are sticking America with a debt that can
never be repaid. And the money won't just be spent redecorating the Oval
Office, or plowed into the 2012 reelection campaign, everyone who's part of
the action will get to take some off the top. That was why the Soviet Union
really collapsed, because the only economy that was working anymore, was the
Five-Fingered economy. And Obama and his boys and girls are masters of the
Five-Fingered economy. There is no thought of long term consequences or
accountability, only theft piled on theft, all of it to benefit the pyramid
of associates that helped him get elected. So if Obama is a dog, then the US
Treasury and the American taxpayer are his fire hydrants.
Just this
year the majority of Americans said loud and clear, that they did not want
ObamaCare. And Obama rammed it through anyway. The majority of Americans
have said they want spending cuts, instead here comes another 50 billion
dollar stimulus plan. Most Americans now oppose the Obama agenda, and the
response from the White House has been two fingers stuck in two oversized
ears. If anyone is being treated like the dog in this relationship, it's the
American people.

At Labor Fest, Obama basked in the admiration of some of the powerful people
who had helped him bankrupt America. The corrupt Unioncracy of fat
mustachioed bosses who still love him, as long as he keeps pushing enough
money their way so that the corrupt machine grinds on. In front of the
representatives of an outmoded institution, most people have associated with
organized crime since before he was born, Obama got up on his pedestal and
and accused Republicans of having "no new ideas". Of course the last time a
union member had a new idea, it was to use Democratic Governors to forcibly
unionize workers in completely unrelated fields, and against their will.
In Michigan, home care workers are
fighting to free themselves from mandatory UAW membership. But while the
UAW may make cars, and home care workers look after children-- as far as the
fat union bosses are concerned, Granny had better give up all that big
"caring for children from low-income families" dough, so the bosses can pass
it along to Obama's reelection campaign. Now there's no doubt that forcibly
unionizing babysitters in the Auto Workers Union is a "new idea", but then
so was human sacrifice and cannibalism-- and we don't consider those to be a
good development. And while for no no "strike-breaking" teenage babysitters
have been shot or faced picket lines, but no doubt the day is coming, when
Cindy will have to fork over her 50 cents to the UAW too.
But that is
the problem with categorizing the value of ideas based on their "newness".
It's certainly a true accusation that the Republicans are not proposing any
new ideas. But that's because "STOP SPENDING MONEY YOU DON'T HAVE" is not a
new idea. But like a man on a rooftop who replies to shouts of, "Don't Jump"
with, "You have no new ideas", Obama's accusation misses the point. If
there's a fire, putting it out is not a new idea. But you should do it
anyway. Sure, "putting out a fire" isn't as new and appealing an idea as
appointing a Czar in charge of fires, declaring the fire a national
landmark, and then trying to bailout the fire-- but it has the virtue of
actually getting results.
There are few "new" ideas in government.
But some time around the Kennedy Administration, liberals got it into their
heads that the purpose of government was to come up with bright new ideas
from bright new people. Their mistake was confusing government with
kindergarten. The actual purpose of government is to be competent managers
and not screw things up too badly. Instead like the "just out of college"
math teacher who spends an entire year teaching New Math, only to find that
no one in her class knows what 2 + 2 equals-- Obama is arguing that he
deserves points for creativity, rather than results. Yes the Republicans may
be technically right, but look how shiny my new plan is.

And so Obama is still clinging to his "Change" brand. Sure it may have
failed, but wouldn't you rather have "new ideas". Newness has been the key
to Obama's success. He was new to the Senate and new to the White House. He
was new to the idea that 2 + 2 = 4 and that money doesn't grow on trees. He
was new like New Coke and New Math, and of course piles and piles of new
debt. The compulsive imperative of newness only makes sense to people in
advertising, stock speculation and movies who are terrified of ever not
being on the cusp of something new, lest they be left behind.
going crying to his union backers that the Republicans are mean and won't
let him play with the economy is pathetic, almost as pathetic as
self-consciously cribbing from Jimmy Hendrix in another desperate attempt to
associate himself with something, anything, cool. Obama may complain that
Americans talk about him like a dog, but it is he who has treated Americans
like dogs, and far worse. He has treated Americans the way Democrats have
always insisted on treating Americans, like wallets with feet, only waiting
to be picked.
Like a big free-spending dog, Obama has eaten all the
food, pissed on the rug, chewed up the furniture and began biting the
family. All it means though is that for 2012, the family may decide it's
time to take him for a long, long walk and put an ad in the paper. "
Labrador Deceiver. Charming, but absolutely no manners. Has already eaten
us out of house and home. Has no papers. Free to anyone who will take him."