Left And Right Going Nuclear On Rick Perry

By Douglas MacKinnon
When you hear every single liberal media outlet in the country say, "We will know more about Rick Perry after we vet his 11 years in office," you need to understand that what they vindictively mean is: "President Obama and his followers will be proud of us after we are done with the mother of all smearing campaigns against the conservative governor of Texas."
Not since Ronald Reagan has a Republican candidate for president evoked such outright fear and loathing from the mainstream media and the far-left.
They are flat-out petrified of Perry and are desperately trying to kill off his candidacy before it can take hold. Why?
Simple. As they suspiciously heap praise on the likes of Jon Huntsman and even Mitt Romney, they increasingly worry that Perry has the best chance to defeat their handpicked socialist messiah now occupying the Oval Office.
With exactly that mission in mind, an editor of a major newspaper told me: "We plan to declare war on Rick Perry and do all in our power to crush him."
There you have it. No pretense of integrity, professionalism or of unbiased news-gathering. This particular newspaper plans to use its very considerable resources to destroy the Perry campaign before it gains momentum. Period.
Enemies On The Right
Beyond the usual suspects in the far-left media, many in the GOP establishment such as Karl Rove, are doing all they can to derail the Perry campaign. Again, why?
Erick Erickson, in an excellent horse race summation in Red State, nails the answer: "So you have these guys ... trying to settle every score they can with Perry and his consultant, Dave Carney. ... Because so much of the consultant class will be shut out of the White House should Rick Perry win, their livelihoods depend on Rick Perry losing either now or in November. And frankly, for a few in the GOP consultant class, they'll gladly see Perry lose in November just to ensure they are not shut out of a Republican White House. For all the talk of Perry being an establishment guy, the establishment hates his guts as much as the left does . . ."
Erickson then punctuates the close of that paragraph with this all powerful truth: "That's one reason the base finds him so endearing."
Exactly. The majority of the American people know — or will know — the real deal when they see it, and that is what is causing so much of the left and the establishment right to quake right down to their faux-Texas cowboy boots.
The White House has already launched what has been called an "unprecedented" attack against Perry. Obediently joining them in this politics of personal destruction campaign against Perry being the likes of NBC News, ABC News, CBS News, the New York Times, the Washington Post, USA Today, the Los Angeles Times, the Associated Press, and the liberal bottom-feeders at Comedy Central and the cable networks.
Going Nuclear
No surprise to be sure. What is a bit shocking is that the left and some from the out-of-touch right have gone nuclear on Perry so quickly.
For the left, despite their phony denials, they absolutely do see this shaping up as another Jimmy Carter-Ronald Reagan rematch with Obama playing the role of Carter and Perry playing the role of Reagan. The parallels right down the line are undeniable and very telling.
As such, the far left is trying to do all they can to avoid a liberal-nightmare replay of the Reagan landslide victory of 44 states and 489 electoral votes. Followed of course in 1984 with Reagan winning an amazing 49 out of 50 states and 525 electoral votes.
To his credit, Rick Perry is not trying to sell himself as Reagan. All he is trying to do at the moment is introduce himself to the American people and explain his vision and his hopes for our nation.
As he tells his story and as he explains his vision, more and more voters are lining up behind him. As that momentum builds, more and more from the left and right try to twist his words, besmirch his reputation and deceive the American people.
Fortunately for all who still cherish traditional values, the voters are wise to these self-serving attacks on Perry. Most are now willing and anxious to hear the Texas governor out.
The rest is up to him.