By Maj. Gen. Jerry R. Curry (ret'd)
With only a few exceptions, President Bush the Younger was wrong when after 9/11 he declared that Islam was not a religion of violence but of peace. The Koran teaches violence and most Muslims, including so-called moderate Muslims, openly believe in violence -- especially against Christians and Jews – to accomplish Islam’s goal of world domination.
The New York Times got it right in reporting on the ten medical workers who were recently killed by the Taliban in Afghanistan that, “The Taliban claimed responsibility for the killings … in spite of this outrage Muslims around the world are silent. There is no condemnation, no shame, and no contrition. No one has suggested that this act is inconsistent with the Koran, the Muslim religion, or anything. What are the rest of us to conclude about this so-called peace-loving, hospitable religion?”
For Muslims this fake peace is only a subterfuge for so-called moderates to hide behind, those who supposedly eschew violence yet break out into spontaneous, joyful celebrations worldwide whenever Muslims murder innocent Americans. Such people are devoid of integrity, honor and nobility.
Raheel Raza and Tarek Fatah, two Muslims who are members of the Canadian Muslim Congress write: “As for … New York mayor Michael Bloomberg and much of the media, who are blind to the Islamist agenda in North America …their stand is based on ignorance and guilt, and they will never in their lives have to face the tyranny of Islamism that target, kills and maims Muslims world wide, and is using liberalism itself to destroy liberal secular democratic societies from within.”
was no outrage among the Muslim people when 3,000 Americans were murdered at the
As one prominent American Muslim points out that in his family when he was growing up, “We learned the doctrine of al togia, lying to our enemies for the sake of Islam.” It is very convenient to be able to lie on demand, whenever it suits your purposes.
When a Muslim calls Islam a religion of peace he is lying and being deceitful just for convenience. As Patrick Henry said, “Men may cry peace, peace, but there is no peace.” Violence is not just tolerable for Muslims; they seek after it, even if it leads to death.
The only way a male Muslim can guarantee his entrance into Allah’s heavenly paradise is to die fighting for Islam. The implication is that with Islam violence leads to blessings -- and peace leads to the hell that follows suicide bombings, war, violence and murder.
For Muslims peace is only a subterfuge for so-called moderates to hide behind.
The implication is that Muslims can lie whenever they want to. So when a Muslim
says that Islam is a religion of peace; he or she may be lying. Peace is only a