Homofascism and the Dark Days Brewing for America
By Gina Miller
Those of you who regularly tune in to this radio broadcast are not surprised when I say America has been taken over by communists, and along with the rest of the world, is spinning down into the hellish abyss of the Last Days foretold in the Bible. Satan’s global regime is smoothly working its sinister way into place, and the days ahead will grow ever darker.
I know there are many, many people who do not want to hear such words and do not believe what I say is true. There are many people who are content to keep their heads buried firmly in the sand while all hell breaks loose around them. I am sorry about that, and I can not help them. The fact is that here in America we have been in a collective sleep for many decades while the termites of hell have steadily and deeply gnawed into the delicate foundation of morality upon which our nation rested. That foundation may be too badly damaged to rebuild at this point.
Look at the events of late, and tell me how we are to recapture not just the foundation of limited power of our government, but the soul of our entire society. As you know, government corruption is only a symptom. Our American culture is diseased through and through. People have rejected God and embraced hedonism and whatever vice suits their fancy. Because the Lord has been thrust from our public square, from our schools, and in many cases even from our churches, we are seeing a proliferation of people who believe the lie and whose love is growing cold.
Look at the “occupationist” degenerates. If this organized and richly funded movement of the communist Left does anything, it clearly illustrates that America is a house deeply and irrevocably divided. As I have written before,America’s great unbridgeable divide leaves us ripe for destruction. For where there is division, there can be no unity, and where there is no unity, there is brokenness, and a broken house can not stand.
As a Christian, I know that there are but two forces in this world—the forces of God and the forces of Satan. There are only two camps, and every man is a member of one or the other. We are seeing the forces of Satan coalescing in the “occupationist” movement. We are seeing the fruits of a godless public education system in the young people who know not what they ask. These young people, along with the deluded mature adults, senselessly hate the freedom and unlimited opportunity America has given them, mindless that what they believe is a lie. Unseeing, they march and chant and demand to be enslaved, yet they know it not.
We are also seeing a metastasizing boldness in the radical homosexual movement. The radical homosexuals are part of the same dark camp as the “occupationist” loons in their hatred of truth, and their engine has been given a shot of nitrous oxide since the advent of the Obama administration.
Barack Obama is nothing if not fully on-board with the radical homosexual agenda. He has appointed a staggering number of homosexuals to his administration, the courts and other positions of authority, including an abominable appointment of a radical homosexual to his faith-based advisory council. Despicably, Obama and his injustice department have also refused to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, which rightly defines marriage as between a man and a woman.
Thus it is no surprise that we are watching a very bold monster of radical homosexualism pounding its way across our land seeking to devour our rights to freedom of speech and expression and freedom of religion.

Brick thrown through the glass door at Christian
Liberty Academy. Reprinted with permission from
Americans for Truth
One of the latest examples of homosexual viciousness was reported on Saturday by WorldNetDaily’s Drew Zahn.
As he wrote,
“In the early morning hours, on the eve of a banquet designed to expose the homosexual activist agenda, security cameras on the campus of the Christian Liberty Academy, a school run by the Church of Christian Liberty in Arlington Heights, Ill., captured what may be a prominent example of an anti-Christian ‘hate crime.’
An unknown vandal or vandals threw chunks of concrete bricks through the school’s entryway with a message protesting the banquet, which was planned by Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, or AFTAH, to honor pro-family activist and author of ‘The Pink Swastika,’ Dr. Scott Lively.
Upon the concrete bricks were written the words ‘Shut down Lively,’ and the vandals included a note threatening more violence if the church and school didn’t stop hosting such ‘homophobic’ guests.
‘This is just a sample of what we will do if you don’t shut down Scott Lively and AFTAH,” the note reads. ‘F— Scott Lively. Quit the homophobic s—!’”
Don’t you just admire the behavior of the oh-so-tolerant Left? This is quite disturbing. Here we have brazen militant homosexual radicals who are so degenerately desperate to gain an unattainable legitimacy for their vile behavior that they are willing to engage in violence to intimidate those who stand against their wicked agenda. Too often we find that their barbaric tactics succeed in cowing Christians and others in leadership positions in business and elsewhere.
The good news here is that these “homofascists,” as Americans For Truth About Homosexuality President Peter LaBarbera refers to them, are not succeeding in their hellish attempts to intimidate Mr. LaBarbera, the Christian Liberty Academy or Dr. Lively. They are standing firmly in the face of the maniacal hatred of the radical homosexual movement, despite the vandalism as well as an anonymous “press release” that threatened further retaliation if Scott Lively’s appearance were not cancelled.
As Drew Zahn’s report continued,
“Hours later, a ‘press release’ was sent by email to AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera, Church of Christian Liberty Pastor Calvin Lindstrom and the Chicago Independent Media Center claiming responsibility for the attack.
‘In the early morning hours of October 15th, we put two chunks of concrete through the glass windows and doors of the Christian Liberty Academy,’ claims the author of the release, identifying himself only by a vulgar nickname. ‘We did this because at 6 p.m. today they will be hosting an event organized by the homophobic hate group Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, that [sic] will be presenting an award to Scott Lively.’
The statement continues, ‘These chunks of concrete were thrown through these windows and doors for two reasons: to show that there is a consequence for hatred and homophobia in our community and to directly cause this event to be shut down. If this event is not shut down, and the homophobic day trainings do not end, the Christian Liberty Academy will continue to be under constant attack.’”
I spoke with Mr. LaBarbera on the phone on Monday, and he pointed out that these are the same tactics that terrorists use—claiming responsibility after the fact of an act of terrorism. As yet, these cowardly miscreants have only claimed responsibility but have not openly identified themselves, if indeed there is more than one of them.
We see that these homosexual radicals, just like all the members of the various factions of the Left, are more than willing to break laws and to vandalize or destroy property to push their twisted agenda. They spit on the law, and they feast on a hatred of the truth and those who proclaim it, but they apparently see no duplicity in their profuse, false accusations of “hate” toward those of us who tell the truth about the sin of homosexuality. It is more important than ever that we strongly refuse to be intimidated or silenced by these people and stand against them, as Mr. LaBarbera, Dr. Lively and the Christian Liberty Academy are doing.
Again, from Drew Zahn’s piece,
“‘In my 20 plus years of pro-family activism,’ Lively told WND, ‘I have never seen such a brazen act of ‘gay’ militancy.’
‘We see the homosexual agenda is becoming so arrogant in its growing power,’ LaBarbera added, ‘but we’ve never seen this before, what we would call ‘homofascism’ being raised to the level of domestic terrorism.’
The Christian Liberty Academy has hosted several events for Americans For Truth over the years, including last year’s three-day Truth Academy, which drew a large protest led by the Chicago-based Gay Liberation Network, or GLN. The GLN has also announced that it will protest the AFTAH banquet.
‘The GLN has always targeted us,’ LaBarbera told WND. ‘But right now we don’t know who did this. It could be just a rogue activist. It could be just one person. We don’t know, and I wouldn’t want to link the attack to any group unless we had evidence linking it.’
Investigating the attack has been turned over to the police, but Pastor Lindstrom told WND the church has no plans to cancel the banquet.
When asked how the church would respond to the attack, Lindstrom answered, ‘In prayer. The Lord is our ultimate defender, and we trust the Lord will give us safety and will bring whoever did this to justice.’
‘A lot of Christians cower in fear before the power and influence of the homosexual lobby,’ LaBarbera added. ‘It’s not helpful. If you demonstrate you can be intimidated, you reward the bully. The ‘gay’ bully has been rewarded enough times, so many times they think they can get their way. We hope more churches will refuse to be bullied and will stand up to tell the truth about the homosexual agenda.’”
This is an ongoing story, and you can visit the Americans for Truth website for updates and for more information which I have not included in this broadcast.
We desperately need more Christian culture warriors like Peter LaBarbera and Scott Lively. They inspire other Christians to stand in the face of the relentless assault on our children, on marriage and our freedoms by the radical homosexual movement. Please pray for these men who face constant, malicious and slanderous attacks from a well-funded homosexual machine. And consider financially supporting groups like Americans for Truth who do not have anywhere near the amount of money that the numerous and wealthy homo-activist organizations do.
As the days grow ever darker and the minions of hell unite in greater and greater power, let us continue to band together and speak out against those evil forces that abound in these treacherous times. Let us also not lose heart in the face of our nation’s crumbling from within, because, as Christians, we know this is ultimately not our home; however, we will continue to battle for the cause of righteous Truth and for the sake of this great nation as we await the Lord’s return.
Gina Miller, a native of Texas, is a radio commentator. She also works with her husband installing and repairing residential irrigation systems and doing landscaping on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.