It's a testament to the intelligence level of liberals that they prefer
nursery rhymes to ideas. Whether it's Auden's "Those to whom evil is done,
Do Evil in Return" (a verse from a Communist poet partially justifying
Hitler's invasion of Poland, that he later disavowed) or "What Would Gandhi
Do?" (give up and hope his enemies felt bad while cutting off his head) or
the most famous nursery rhyme of them all, "First they came for the
This particular nursery rhymes endeavors to explain Nazis from a leftist
perspective, in which Hitler's triumph occurred because no one spoke out
when Communists were being imprisoned. When in doubt, the left and various
useful idiots routinely trot out revised versions of this nursery rhyme. The
current popular formulation on the left is "First they came for the
Terrorists." (The Cato Institute's attempt to write one called "First they
came for the Sex Offenders and then the Terrorists" proved to be wildly
unpopular as no one
outside the Cato Institute or maybe its liberal counterpart, the ACLU,
sympathizes with sex offenders and terrorists at the same time.)
it's completely unsurprising that the Ground Zero Mosque defenders have
trotted out the "First they came for the Communists" nursery rhyme.
Keith Olbermann did it, while suggesting that
resisting the Ground Zero Mosque puts us on a path to the Holocaust.
Olbermann went on to claim that Muslims in the US were at greater risk of
terrorism than non-Muslims (which would be news to the actual recent targets
of terrorism, who included soldiers in Fort Hood, airline passengers and
anyone walking through Times Square.) And of course Olbermann hung it all on
that infamous nursery rhyme and Martin Niemoller.
There are a number
of problems with that. First Niemoller is not the author of the nursery
rhyme, it's loosely based on some of his statements. Secondly, Niemoller
went from being a Nazi sympathizer, to being a Communist sympathizer. That
incidentally is the same message implicit in the poem itself. A man who
supported Hitler and then supported Communist tyrants, including Ho Chi Minh
is a spectacularly bad choice as a moral guide.
Had Niemoller come
out of the war with the understanding that supporting totalitarian movements
is bad, he might have been passably worth paying attention to. But instead
Niemoller switched from sympathizing with Nazism, because he thought it
would make for a better world, to sympathizing with Communism, because he
thought it would make for a better world. He accepted the Lenin Prize,
joined the World Peace Movement, and did what he could to undermine NATO,
Europe and the United States.
Niemoller did not actually understand
why Nazism was bad. Instead he now knew that Nazism was bad, but he was
unable to apply that understanding in any meaningful way. Instead, like so
many on the left, he decided that the nearest equivalent to Nazi Germany was
the United States, because it was nationalistic, capitalistic and had a
large military that killed a lot of people. That brand of moral idiocy led
him to dub Truman, "The greatest murderer in the world" and to suggest that
"the rich must be smashed in order to build human brotherhood."
real lesson of Niemoller's story is that he went from being one kind of Nazi
to being another kind of Nazi, putting off the red and black, and putting on
the red and yellow instead. The common denominator was that both insisted on
"One World or No World", which was also the title of Niemoller's book. If
Niemoller were alive today, there is little doubt that he would endorse the
"First they came for the terrorists" formulation. Which is exactly the
Liberals pretended that Communism was the opposite of Nazism.
Today they pretend that Islam is the opposite of Nazism. The reality is that
accounting for cultural and ideological differences, they are not all that
far apart. The common denominator of all of them is a disdain for the
individual, and a tyrannical plan to build a better world through mass
murder and leader worship.
The poem attributed to Niemoller
exemplifies what is wrong with that entire mindset. It begins with an act of
historical revisionism, by pretending that the Nazis had come for the
Communists first, then the Trade Unionists second, and the Jews third. The
implication is that the Trade Unionists were complicit in Nazism because
they failed to speak up for the Communists. The Jews were complicit because
they had failed to speak up for either the Communists or the Trade
Unionists. Niemoller himself is complicit because he failed to speak up for
all three.

First of all, the Nazis were persecuting Jews before they were even in
power, not until they "got done" with the Communists. Secondly, Niemoller
did not remain silent, he was a supporter of Nazi Germany, who deviated on
some issues. Niemoller himself said, that he had "never quarreled with
Hitler over political matters, but purely on religious grounds." His
hierarchy of complicity not only misrepresents his own role, but indicts
those who are listed before him to a lesser degree. The idea is that
everyone is guilty, some more so than others depending on their placement on
the list.
Meanwhile in the USSR, the Communists had come for the
Trade Unionists and the Jews. Niemoller had nothing to say on this subject.
Neither do the people who quote the nursery rhyme, because it upsets their
narrative. It forces them to deal with the fact that the Communists were
perpetrators, rather than victims. What upsets the applecart even more, is
the fact that the USSR had actually helped the Nazis destroy German
Communists, because it viewed the rise of Hitler as strategically helpful to
It was also the Communists who were in the forefront of the
anti-war movement in Western countries, after the Hitler-Stalin had been
signed. It was they who insisted on no intervention. Niemoller himself
became complicit in that same sort of activity when he enlisted in Soviet
backed "peace" groups that opposed "American militarism".
Yet didn't
the anti-war movement insist on a form of silence. Silence in response to
the carving up of Poland. Silence in response to the mass murder of Jews.
Silence in response to the Rape of Nanking. Just as they insisted on silence
in response to the Soviet Union's oppression and mass murder of millions.
Just as they insist on silence in response to the Islamic mass murder and
oppression of millions today.
While Olbermann pats himself on the
back for not being silent when people criticize the placement of a mosque
near Ground Zero, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi talks about investigating those
who protest against it. Will Keith Olbermann say anything, such as, "First
they came for the patriots." We all know the answer to that. Because
patriots aren't on the list. In the lefty codex, patriotism is a gateway
drug to Nazism. Speaking out for the rights of thugs and terrorists is
moral, but not for one's own country.
Niemoller did not originate
this form of perversity, no more than Olbermann did. That is a longtime
value on the left, which demanded that people be loyal only to working class
and progressive ideals, anything else was to be a capitalist, bourgeois, a
nationalist, a jingoist and a fascist-- terms that the left had a way of
using interchangeably.
Olbermann's caveats about Ground Zero, the
left wing's talking points, are not the issue. Because if the mosque was
actually be built in the footprint of one of the towers, is there a single
left wing pundit who would not just as enthusiastically shout in support of
it? If it was to be physically constructed on the ashes and earth brought
back from the Fresh Kills landfill, it would not make a drop of difference
to them.
Had two Christian terrorist groups flown planes into Muslim skyscrapers, the
left would have a completely different perspective. And they would be ready
to physically tear down any church that Muslims found offensive. If you
doubt that, don't.
happened before already. Freedom of Religion would never enter into it
for them, as it doesn't anyway. Their empathy is not moral, it is political.
Purely political.
The left has a great deal of respect for mosques,
but very little respect for Ground Zero. There is a very simple reason for
that. The mosque is transgressive, to them it appears to be a rejection of
Western materialism. Ground Zero on the other is an area where two towers of
capitalism were destroyed, as a "reaction" to American foreign policy. That
is how liberals think. That the World Trade Center's capitalism was part of
a system that enabled them to be free, while the mosque represents an
Islamic doctrine that would have them be second class citizens, is not an
idea they will ever accept.
What the left has never been able to
admit, is that they have a long history of both being "Nazis" and of aiding
and abetting them.
Both the actual Nazis, and
an older brand of genocide and leader-worship in the form of Islam. They
are the ones remaining silent, as an old evil spreads anew evil spreads
across the world. An evil that embodies everything they supposedly hate, yet
which they are prepared to defend to their last breath. But like Niemoller,
they are in denial about their own principles, beneath their
self-righteousness lurks a deeper corruption. Like Niemoller, they are too
in love with evil to ever abandon it.